Pull Requests and Code Reviews¶
Before any code is merged into the develop or main branches, it must be tested, documented, reviewed, and accepted. Creating a pull request on the Axom GitHub project to merge a branch into develop or main initiates the test and review processes. All required build configurations and tests must pass for a pull request to be approved. Also, new tests (unit, integration, etc.) must be created to exercise any new functionality that is introduced. This will be assessed by reviewers of each pull request. See Step 4 – Create a pull request for details about creating pull requests.
Code changes in a pull request must be accepted by at least one member of the Axom development team other than the originator of the pull request. It is recommended that several team members review pull requests, especially when changes affect APIs, dependencies (within Axom and external), etc. Pull request reviewers can be selected on GitHub when the pull request is created. Changes reviewed by the team are accepted, rejected, or commented on for improvement; e.g., issues to be addressed, suggested changes, etc. Pull requests can be updated with additional changes and commits as needed. When a pull request is approved, it can be merged. If the merged branch is no longer needed for development, it should be deleted.
In addition to successful compilation and test passing, changes to the develop and main branches should be scrutinized in other ways and using other code health tools we use. See Git/GitHub: Version Control and Branch Development for more information about using our continuous integration tools.
Pull Request Summary¶
To recap, here is a summary of steps in a pull request:
When code is ready to be considered for acceptance, create a pull request on the Axom GitHub project. Identify the appropriate reviewers and add them to the pull request.
Code must build successfully and all relevant tests must pass, including new tests required for new functionality.
All issues (build failures, test failures, reviewer requests) must be addressed before a pull request is accepted.
Pull requests must be approved by at least one member of development team other than the pull request originator.
When a pull request is approved it may be merged. If the merged branch is no longer needed, it should be deleted. This can be done when merging with GitHub.
Code Review Checklist¶
Beyond build and test correctness, we also want to ensure that code follows common conventions before acceptance. The following list is a high-level summary of the types of concerns we want to identify during pull request reviews and resolve before a pull request is merged. Please see the Axom Coding Guide for details on items in this list.
A new file or directory must be placed in its proper location; e.g., in the same directory with existing files supporting related functionality.
File contents must be organized clearly and structure must be consistent with conventions.
Namespace and other scoping conventions must be followed.
Names (files, types, methods, variables, etc.) must be clear, easily understood by others, and consistent with usage in other parts of the code. Terminology must be constrained; i.e., don’t introduce a new term for something that already exists and don’t use the same term for different concepts.
Documentation must be clear and follow conventions. Minimal, but adequate, documentation is preferred.
Implementations must be correct, robust, portable, and understandable to other developers.
Adequate tests (unit and performance) tests must be added for new functionality.