Miscellaneous Development Items¶
This section describes various development tasks that need to be performed at times and which are not covered in other sections.
Updating Copyright Headers¶
Many files in Axom contain a copyright header that includes dates. These headers
need to be updated in new calendar years. Axom’s scripts
directory contains
tools that can update the date across Axom’s sources. Before running the tools,
they need to be updated so they contain the new year. This can be done by replacing
the previous year (Y-1)
to the new current year (Y)
and then repeating that
step for the last previous year (Y-2)
. The following commands can update
the scripts to the year 2025 using the command line. In future years, increment the
cd scripts
sed "s/2024/2025/g" copyrightPrepender.py > tmp
mv tmp copyrightPrepender.py
sed "s/2024/2025/g" update_copyright_date.sh > tmp
sed "s/2023/2024/g" tmp > update_copyright_date.sh
rm -f tmp
cd ..
After updating the scripts, commit the changes to a branch since actually running the update script will cause many files to change.
Now that the copyrights have been changed, commit the changed files to a branch and run the next command to prepend a copyright header to files that lack one.
python3 scripts/copyrightPrepender.py -r src
Again, commit any changed files to the branch. That is all. Create a pull request
to merge the updated files to the develop
Web Documentation¶
Axom web-based documentation is hosted on our Read the Docs project. Multiple versions are visible there, including the latest content on the develop branch (latest) and the main branch (main). The documentation that appears is automatically re-generated each time a change is pushed to a branch in the GitHub repository that is enabled to be displayed on the Read the Docs project. If you are modifying Axom documentation, you can enable the branch you are working on so that you can see what it looks like as you push changes to the branch. If your documentation changes are part of a GitHub pull request, it is a good idea to enable the documentation for that branch and put a link to it in the pull request summary. This makes it easy for reviewers to check over your changes.
When you no longer need the documentation of your branch to be visible on Read the Docs (e.g., your pull request is merged), please disable that branch on Read the Docs.
Code Health Tools¶
This section describes how to run code health tools we use.
Code Coverage¶
Setting up and running code coverage analysis…
Static Analysis¶
Setting up and running static analysis tools….
Memory Checking¶
Setting up and running memory checking tools….