Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
DynamicConstantRelation.hpp File Reference

API for a topological relation between two sets in which entities from the first set can be related to a constant number of entities from the second set. For example, in a triangle mesh, each triangle is incident to three vertices. More...

#include "axom/config.hpp"
#include "axom/slic.hpp"
#include "axom/slam/Set.hpp"
#include "axom/slam/Relation.hpp"
#include "axom/slam/OrderedSet.hpp"
#include "axom/slam/DynamicSet.hpp"
#include "axom/slam/policies/CardinalityPolicies.hpp"
#include <vector>


class  axom::slam::DynamicConstantRelation< PosType, ElemType, CardinalityPolicy >
 A relation class with constant cardinality that supports adding, removing and modifying set relations. More...



Detailed Description

API for a topological relation between two sets in which entities from the first set can be related to a constant number of entities from the second set. For example, in a triangle mesh, each triangle is incident to three vertices.

This relation is dynamic; the related entities can change at runtime.