Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
intersect.hpp File Reference

Consists of functions to test intersection among geometric primitives. More...

#include "axom/config.hpp"
#include "axom/core/Macros.hpp"
#include "axom/core/utilities/Utilities.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/constants.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/OrientedBoundingBox.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Plane.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Point.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Polygon.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Ray.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Segment.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Sphere.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Tetrahedron.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/Triangle.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/geometry/BezierCurve.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/operators/detail/intersect_impl.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/operators/detail/intersect_ray_impl.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/operators/detail/intersect_bounding_box_impl.hpp"
#include "axom/primal/operators/detail/intersect_bezier_impl.hpp"




Triangle Intersection Routines
template<typename T >
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &t1, const Triangle< T, 3 > &t2, bool includeBoundary=false, double EPS=1E-08)
 Tests if 3D Triangles t1 and t2 intersect. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 2 > &t1, const Triangle< T, 2 > &t2, bool includeBoundary=false, double EPS=1E-08)
 Tests if 2D Triangles t1 and t2 intersect. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const BoundingBox< T, 3 > &bb)
 Determines if a triangle and a bounding box intersect. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const Ray< T, 3 > &ray)
 Determines if a 3D triangle intersects a 3D ray. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const Ray< T, 3 > &ray, T &t)
 Determines if a 3D triangle intersects a 3D ray. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const Ray< T, 3 > &ray, T &t, Point< double, 3 > &p)
 Determines if a 3D triangle intersects a 3D ray. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const Segment< T, 3 > &seg)
 Determines if a 3D triangle intersects a 3D segment. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const Segment< T, 3 > &seg, T &t)
 Determines if a 3D triangle intersects a 3D segment. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Triangle< T, 3 > &tri, const Segment< T, 3 > &seg, T &t, Point< double, 3 > &p)
 Determines if a 3D triangle intersects a 3D segment. More...
Ray Intersection Routines
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Ray< T, 2 > &R, const Segment< T, 2 > &S, T &ray_param, T &seg_param, const T EPS=1e-8)
 Computes the intersection of the given ray, R, with the segment, S. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Ray< T, 2 > &R, const Segment< T, 2 > &S, T &ray_param)
 Computes the intersection of the given ray, R, with the segment, S. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Ray< T, 2 > &R, const Segment< T, 2 > &S, Point< T, 2 > &ip, const T EPS=1e-8)
 Computes the intersection of the given ray, R, with the segment, S. More...
template<typename T , int DIM>
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::primal::intersect (const Ray< T, DIM > &R, const BoundingBox< T, DIM > &bb, Point< T, DIM > &ip)
 Computes the intersection of the given ray, R, with the Box, bb. More...
Segment-BoundingBox Intersection Routines
template<typename T , int DIM>
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Segment< T, DIM > &S, const BoundingBox< T, DIM > &bb, T &tmin, T &tmax, const double &EPS=1e-8)
 Computes the intersection of the given segment, S, with the Box, bb. If an intersection is found, output parameter ip contains an intersection point. More...
template<typename T , int DIM>
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Segment< T, DIM > &S, const BoundingBox< T, DIM > &bb, Point< T, DIM > &ip, const double &EPS=1e-8)
 This variant returns a point within the intersection as an OUT parameters. More...
template<typename T , int DIM>
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Segment< T, DIM > &S, const BoundingBox< T, DIM > &bb)
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box Intersection Routines
template<typename T , int DIM>
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::primal::intersect (const BoundingBox< T, DIM > &bb1, const BoundingBox< T, DIM > &bb2)
 Determines if two axis aligned bounding boxes intersect. More...
Sphere Intersection Routines
template<typename T , int DIM>
bool axom::primal::intersect (const Sphere< T, DIM > &s1, const Sphere< T, DIM > &s2, double TOL=1.e-9)
 Determines if two spheres intersect. More...
Oriented Bounding Box Intersection Routines
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const OrientedBoundingBox< T, 1 > &b1, const OrientedBoundingBox< T, 1 > &b2)
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const OrientedBoundingBox< T, 2 > &b1, const OrientedBoundingBox< T, 2 > &b2)
 Determines if a 2D OBB intersects a 2D OBB. More...
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const OrientedBoundingBox< T, 3 > &b1, const OrientedBoundingBox< T, 3 > &b2, double EPS=1E-4)
 Determines if a 3D OBB intersects a 3D OBB. More...
Bezier Curve Intersection Routines
template<typename T >
bool axom::primal::intersect (const BezierCurve< T, 2 > &c1, const BezierCurve< T, 2 > &c2, std::vector< T > &sp, std::vector< T > &tp, double tol=1E-8)
 Tests if two Bezier Curves c1 and c2 intersect. More...
Plane Intersection Routines
template<typename T >
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::primal::intersect (const Plane< T, 3 > &p, const BoundingBox< T, 3 > &bb, bool checkOverlaps=false, double EPS=1E-08)
 Determines if a 3D plane intersects a 3D bounding box. By default (checkOverlaps is false), checks if |s| <= r, where "s" is the distance of the bounding box center to the plane, and "r" is the projected radius of the bounding box along the line parallel to the plane normal and going through the box center. If checkOverlaps is true, checks if |s| < r, where the bounding box overlaps both half spaces of the plane. More...
template<typename T >
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::primal::intersect (const Plane< T, 3 > &plane, const Segment< T, 3 > &seg, T &t)
 Determines if a 3D plane intersects a 3D segment. More...
template<typename T >
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::primal::intersect (const Plane< T, 3 > &p, const Tetrahedron< T, 3 > &tet, Polygon< T, 3 > &intersection)
 Determines if a 3D plane intersects a tetrahedron. More...

Detailed Description

Consists of functions to test intersection among geometric primitives.