Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
StackArray.hpp File Reference
#include "axom/config.hpp"
#include "axom/core/Macros.hpp"
#include "axom/core/Types.hpp"


class  axom::StackArray< T, N >
 Provides a wrapper for a compile time sized array, similar to std::array. This class is needed because NVCC doesn't caputure standard stack arrays in device lambdas. Furthermore we can't use std::array becuase it is not host-device decorated. More...




template<typename T , int N>
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::operator== (const StackArray< T, N > &lhs, const StackArray< T, N > &rhs)
 Equality comparison operator for StackArray. More...
template<typename T , int N>
AXOM_HOST_DEVICE bool axom::operator!= (const StackArray< T, N > &lhs, const StackArray< T, N > &rhs)
 Inequality comparison operator for StackArray. More...