Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
slic.hpp File Reference
#include "axom/config.hpp"
#include "axom/slic/core/Logger.hpp"
#include "axom/slic/core/LogStream.hpp"
#include "axom/slic/core/MessageLevel.hpp"
#include "axom/slic/interface/slic_macros.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>


struct  axom::slic::debug




void axom::slic::initialize ()
 Initializes the SLIC logging environment. More...
bool axom::slic::isInitialized ()
 Checks if the SLIC logging environment is initialized. More...
void axom::slic::createLogger (const std::string &name, char imask=inherit::nothing)
 Creates a new logger associated with the given name. More...
bool axom::slic::activateLogger (const std::string &name)
 Activates the logger associated with the given name. More...
std::string axom::slic::getActiveLoggerName ()
 Returns the name of the active logger. More...
void axom::slic::setLoggingMsgLevel (message::Level level)
 Sets desired logging level. More...
message::Level axom::slic::getLoggingMsgLevel ()
 Gets the current logging level. More...
void axom::slic::setAbortOnError (bool status)
 Toggles the abort behavior for errors on the current active logger. More...
void axom::slic::enableAbortOnError ()
 Enables aborts on error messages for the current active logger. More...
void axom::slic::disableAbortOnError ()
 Disables aborts on error messages for the current active logger. More...
bool axom::slic::isAbortOnErrorsEnabled ()
 Checks whether aborts on errors are enabled for the current logger. More...
void axom::slic::setAbortOnWarning (bool status)
 Toggles the abort behavior for warnings on the current active logger. More...
void axom::slic::enableAbortOnWarning ()
 Enables aborts on warnings messages for the current active logger. More...
void axom::slic::disableAbortOnWarning ()
 Disables aborts on warnings messages for the current active logger. More...
bool axom::slic::isAbortOnWarningsEnabled ()
 Checks whether aborts on warnings are enabled for the current logger. More...
void axom::slic::setAbortFunction (AbortFunctionPtr abort_func)
 Sets the function to call when program abort is requested. More...
void axom::slic::addStreamToMsgLevel (LogStream *ls, message::Level level)
 Adds the given stream to the the given level. More...
void axom::slic::addStreamToAllMsgLevels (LogStream *ls)
 Adds the given stream to all levels. More...
void axom::slic::logMessage (message::Level level, const std::string &message, bool filter_duplicates=false)
 Logs the given message to all registered streams. More...
void axom::slic::logMessage (message::Level level, const std::string &message, const std::string &tag, bool filter_duplicates=false)
 Logs the given message to all registered streams. More...
void axom::slic::logMessage (message::Level level, const std::string &message, const std::string &fileName, int line, bool filter_duplicates=false)
 Logs the given message to all registered streams. More...
void axom::slic::logMessage (message::Level level, const std::string &message, const std::string &tag, const std::string &fileName, int line, bool filter_duplicates=false)
 Logs the given message to all registered streams. More...
void axom::slic::logErrorMessage (const std::string &message, const std::string &fileName, int line)
 Convenience method to log an error message. More...
void axom::slic::logWarningMessage (const std::string &message, const std::string &fileName, int line)
 Convenience method to log warning messages. More...
void axom::slic::flushStreams ()
 Flushes all streams. More...
void axom::slic::pushStreams ()
 Pushes all streams. More...
void axom::slic::finalize ()
 Finalizes the slic logging environment. More...
std::string axom::slic::stacktrace ()
 Uses glibc's backtrace() functionality to return a stacktrace. More...