Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
axom::mint::RectilinearMesh Class Referenceabstract

Provides the ability to represent and operate on a structured rectilinear mesh. More...

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Inheritance diagram for axom::mint::RectilinearMesh:

Public Member Functions

 RectilinearMesh ()=delete
 Default constructor. Disabled. More...
Native Constructors
 RectilinearMesh (IndexType Ni, IndexType Nj=-1, IndexType Nk=-1)
 Constructs a rectilinear mesh of specified dimensions. More...
External Constructors
 RectilinearMesh (IndexType Ni, double *x, IndexType Nj=-1, double *y=nullptr, IndexType Nk=-1, double *z=nullptr)
 Constructs a rectilinear mesh with the specified logical extent and external coordinate buffers. More...
Virtual methods
virtual ~RectilinearMesh ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual bool isExternal () const final override
 Returns true if coordinates of the mesh are externally supplied. More...
virtual void getNode (IndexType nodeID, double *node) const final override
 Copy the coordinates of the given node into the provided buffer. More...
virtual double * getCoordinateArray (int dim) final override
 Returns pointer to the nodal positions in the specified dimension. More...
virtual const double * getCoordinateArray (int dim) const final override
virtual IndexType getNumberOfCells () const final override
 Return the number of cells in the mesh. More...
virtual CellType getCellType (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(cellID)=0) const final override
 Return the type of cell this mesh holds. SEGMENT, QUAD, or HEX depending on the dimension. More...
virtual IndexType getNumberOfCellNodes (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(cellID)=0) const final override
 Return the number of nodes associated with the given cell. More...
virtual IndexType getCellNodeIDs (IndexType cellID, IndexType *nodes) const final override
 Copy the node IDs of the given cell into the provided buffer. The buffer must be of length at least getNumberOfCellNodes(). More...
IndexType getCellNodeIDs (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType *nodes) const
 Copy the node IDs of the given cell into the provided buffer. More...
IndexType getCellNodeIDs (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k, IndexType *nodes) const
virtual IndexType getNumberOfCellFaces (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(cellID)=0) const final override
 Return the number of faces associated with the given cell. More...
virtual IndexType getCellFaceIDs (IndexType cellID, IndexType *faces) const final override
 Returns the IDs of the faces of the cell at (i,j) or (i, j, k). More...
const StackArray< IndexType, 8 > & getCellNodeOffsetsArray () const
 Returns the cell node offsets array. More...
IndexType cellJp () const
 Returns stride to the second dimension of cells. More...
IndexType cellKp () const
 Returns stride to the third dimension of cells. More...
IndexType getCellLinearIndex (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k=0) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical grid cell indices. More...
void getCellGridIndex (IndexType cellID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j) const
 Given the 1D linear index of a cell, this method computes the corresponding i-j-k grid index. More...
void getCellGridIndex (IndexType cellID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j, IndexType &k) const
virtual CellType getCellType (IndexType cellID=0) const =0
 Return the type of the given cell. More...
virtual IndexType getNumberOfCellNodes (IndexType cellID=0) const =0
 Return the number of nodes associated with the given cell. More...
virtual IndexType getCellNodeIDs (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(cellID), IndexType *AXOM_NOT_USED(nodes)) const =0
 Copy the connectivity of the given cell into the provided buffer. The buffer must be of length at least getNumberOfCellNodes( cellID ). More...
virtual IndexType getCellFaceIDs (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(cellID), IndexType *AXOM_NOT_USED(faces)) const =0
 Populates the given buffer with the IDs of the faces of the given cell and returns the number of faces. More...
virtual IndexType getCellCapacity () const
 Returns the capacity for number of cell in this mesh instance. More...
void getCellFaceIDs (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType *faces) const
 Returns the IDs of the faces of the cell at (i,j) or (i, j, k). More...
void getCellFaceIDs (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k, IndexType *faces) const
virtual IndexType getNumberOfNodes () const final override
 Return the number of nodes in the mesh. More...
IndexType nodeJp () const
 Returns stride to the second dimension of nodes. More...
IndexType nodeKp () const
 kp stride to the third dimension of nodes. More...
IndexType getNodeLinearIndex (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k=0) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical node indices. More...
void getNodeGridIndex (IndexType nodeID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j) const
 Given the 1D linear index of a node, this method computes the corresponding i-j-k grid index. More...
void getNodeGridIndex (IndexType nodeID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j, IndexType &k) const
virtual IndexType getNumberOfFaces () const final override
 Return the number of faces in the mesh. More...
virtual CellType getFaceType (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(faceID)=0) const final override
 Return the type of face this mesh holds. SEGMENT or QUAD depending on the dimension. More...
virtual IndexType getNumberOfFaceNodes (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(faceID)=0) const final override
 Return the number of nodes associated with the given face. More...
virtual IndexType getFaceNodeIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType *nodes) const final override
 Copy the IDs of the nodes that compose the given face into the provided buffer. More...
virtual void getFaceCellIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType &cellIDOne, IndexType &cellIDTwo) const final override
 Copy the IDs of the cells adjacent to the given face into the provided indices. More...
IndexType getIFaceNodeIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType *nodes) const
 Copy the IDs of the nodes that compose the given face into the provided buffer. More...
IndexType getJFaceNodeIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType *nodes) const
IndexType getKFaceNodeIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType *nodes) const
IndexType getFaceLinearIndex (int dir, IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k=0) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical grid face indices. More...
IndexType getIFaceLinearIndex (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k=0) const
 Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical face indices. More...
IndexType getJFaceLinearIndex (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k=0) const
IndexType getKFaceLinearIndex (IndexType i, IndexType j, IndexType k=0) const
virtual IndexType getFaceNodeIDs (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(faceID), IndexType *AXOM_NOT_USED(nodes)) const =0
 Copy the IDs of the nodes that compose the given face into the provided buffer. More...
virtual void getFaceCellIDs (IndexType AXOM_NOT_USED(faceID), IndexType &AXOM_NOT_USED(cellIDOne), IndexType &AXOM_NOT_USED(cellIDTwo)) const =0
 Copy the IDs of the cells adjacent to the given face into the provided indices. More...
virtual IndexType getFaceCapacity () const
 Returns the capacity for number of faces in this mesh instance. More...
virtual IndexType getNumberOfEdges () const final override
 Return the number of edges in the mesh. More...
void getIFaceCellIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType &cellIDOne, IndexType &cellIDTwo) const
 Copy the IDs of the cells adjacent to the given face into the provided indices. More...
void getJFaceCellIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType &cellIDOne, IndexType &cellIDTwo) const
void getKFaceCellIDs (IndexType faceID, IndexType &cellIDOne, IndexType &cellIDTwo) const
Attribute Querying Methods
IndexType getNodeResolution (IndexType dim) const
 Returns the number of nodes along the given dimension. More...
void getExtent (int64 extent[6]) const
 Get the global node extent of the mesh. More...
void setExtent (int ndims, const int64 *extent)
 Set the global node extent of the mesh. More...
IndexType getCellResolution (IndexType dim) const
 Returns the number of cells along the given dimension. More...
IndexType getTotalNumFaces (int direction) const
 Get the total number of I, J, or K faces. More...
void getIFaceGridIndex (IndexType faceID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j) const
 Returns the grid indices corresponding to the given linear face index. More...
void getIFaceGridIndex (IndexType faceID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j, IndexType &k) const
void getJFaceGridIndex (IndexType faceID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j) const
void getJFaceGridIndex (IndexType faceID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j, IndexType &k) const
void getKFaceGridIndex (IndexType faceID, IndexType &i, IndexType &j, IndexType &k) const
virtual IndexType getNodeCapacity () const
 Returns the capacity for number of nodes in this mesh instance. More...
virtual IndexType getEdgeCapacity () const
 Returns the capacity for number of edges in this mesh instance. More...
Mesh Attribute get/set Methods
int getDimension () const
 Returns the dimension for this mesh instance. More...
int getBlockId () const
 Returns the ID of this mesh instance. More...
void setBlockId (int ID)
 set the block ID of this mesh instance. More...
int getPartitionId () const
 Returns the partition ID of this mesh instance. More...
void setPartitionId (int ID)
 set the partition ID of this mesh instance. More...
int getMeshType () const
 Returns the mesh type of this mesh instance. More...
bool hasExplicitCoordinates () const
 Checks if this mesh instance has explicit coordinates. More...
bool hasExplicitConnectivity () const
 Checks if this mesh instance has explicit connectivity. More...
bool hasMixedCellTypes () const
 Checks if the mesh has mixed cell types, e.g., consisting of both triangle and quad elements or hex,pyramid,prisms and tets in 3-D. More...
bool isStructured () const
 Returns true if the mesh type is structured. More...
bool isUnstructured () const
 Returns true if the mesh type is unstructured. More...
bool hasSidreGroup () const
 Checks if this Mesh instance is associated with a Sidre Group. More...
Methods to Create, Access & Remove Fields from a Mesh
const FieldDatagetFieldData (int association) const
 Returns const pointer to the FieldData instance with the specified mesh field association, e.g., NODE_CENTERED, CELL_CENTERED, etc. More...
bool hasField (const std::string &name, int association=ANY_CENTERING) const
 Check if a field with the given name and association exists. More...
template<typename T >
T * createField (const std::string &name, int association, IndexType num_components=1, bool storeInSidre=true)
 Creates a new field with the given name and specified mesh field association, e.g., NODE_CENTERED, CELL_CENTERED, etc. More...
template<typename T >
T * createField (const std::string &name, int association, T *data, IndexType num_components=1, IndexType capacity=USE_DEFAULT)
 Creates a new field from an external buffer that has the given name and specified mesh field association, e.g., NODE_CENTERED, CELL_CENTERED, etc. More...
bool removeField (const std::string &name, int association)
 Removes the field with the given name and specified association. More...
template<typename T >
T * getFieldPtr (const std::string &name, int association, IndexType &num_components)
 Returns pointer to buffer of the field with the given ane and specified mesh field association. More...
template<typename T >
T * getFieldPtr (const std::string &name, int association)
template<typename T >
const T * getFieldPtr (const std::string &name, int association, IndexType &num_components) const
template<typename T >
const T * getFieldPtr (const std::string &name, int association) const

Protected Member Functions

void structuredInit ()
 Initialize all the StructuredMesh members. More...

Protected Attributes

StackArray< IndexType, 3 > m_node_dims = {{0, 0, 0}}
StackArray< int64, 6 > m_node_extent = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
IndexType m_node_jp = 0
IndexType m_node_kp = 0
StackArray< IndexType, 3 > m_cell_dims = {{0, 0, 0}}
IndexType m_cell_jp = 0
IndexType m_cell_kp = 0
StackArray< IndexType, 8 > m_cell_node_offsets = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
StackArray< IndexType, 3 > m_total_faces = {{0, 0, 0}}
IndexType m_total_IJ_faces = 0
IndexType m_num_I_faces_in_k_slice = 0
IndexType m_num_J_faces_in_k_slice = 0
IndexType m_num_edges = 0
Protected Members
int m_ndims
int m_type
int m_block_idx
int m_part_idx
bool m_explicit_coords
bool m_explicit_connectivity
bool m_has_mixed_topology
FieldDatam_mesh_fields [NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATIONS]

Detailed Description

Provides the ability to represent and operate on a structured rectilinear mesh.

The RectilinearMesh object extends the StructuredMesh base class and adds the ability to represent and operate on structured, rectilinear meshes.

A RectilinearMesh divides the solution domain in nodes and cells that are arranged on a regular lattice that is axis-aligned with the Cartesian coordinate axes. Consequently, the cells are always rectangular. Due to the regular topology, each node/cell on the mesh can be uniquely identified by a corresponding logical i-j-k index. However, the nodal coordinates along each axis are explicitly defined and may have variable spacing in between them. Given a logical i-j-k index of a node, the physical coordinates of the corresponding node can be evaluated by taking the Cartesian product of the corresponding coordinate along each direction. For that reason, rectilinear meshes are also often called product meshes.

A RectilinearMesh object may be constructed using (a) a native constructor, (b) an external constructor, or (c) Sidre, when Mint is compiled with Sidre support.

  • Native Constructor

    When using native storage, the RectilinearMesh object owns all associated memory. Once the object is deleted, all memory is returned to the system.

  • External Constructor

    A RectilinearMesh may also be constructed from externally supplied coordinate buffers. In this case, the callind code owns the memory and is responsible for properly deallocating the supplied buffers.

  • Sidre Constructor

    A RectilinearMesh may also be constructed and be associated with a sidre::Group. In this case, all memory is managed by Sidre. Once the object goes out-of-scope the data remains persistent in Sidre. Last, the data is stored in Sidre according to the conventions described in the computational mesh blueprint .

See also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RectilinearMesh() [1/3]

axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::RectilinearMesh ( )

Default constructor. Disabled.

◆ RectilinearMesh() [2/3]

axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::RectilinearMesh ( IndexType  Ni,
IndexType  Nj = -1,
IndexType  Nk = -1 

Constructs a rectilinear mesh of specified dimensions.

[in]Ninumber of nodes in the i-direction
[in]Njnumber of nodes in the j-direction (for dimension >= 2)
[in]Nknumber of nodes in the k-direction (for dimension == 3)
Ni >= 1
Nj >= 1 iff dimension >= 2
Nk >= 1 iff dimension == 3
1 <= dimension <= 3
getCoordinateArray( i ) != nullptr \( \forall i \)
hasSidreGroup() == false
isExternal() == false

◆ RectilinearMesh() [3/3]

axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::RectilinearMesh ( IndexType  Ni,
double *  x,
IndexType  Nj = -1,
double *  y = nullptr,
IndexType  Nk = -1,
double *  z = nullptr 

Constructs a rectilinear mesh with the specified logical extent and external coordinate buffers.

[in]Ninumber of nodes in the i-direction.
[in]xcoordinates along the i-direction.
[in]Njnumber of nodes in the j-direction (for dimension >= 2).
[in]ycoordinates along the j-direction (required for 2D/3D).
[in]Nknumber of nodes in the k-direction (for dimension == 3)
[in]zcoordinates along the k-direction (required for 3D only)
The calling code maintains ownership of the supplied coordinate buffers and the responsibility of properly deallocating them.
x != nullptr
y != nullptr iff dimension >= 2
z != nullptr iff dimension == 3
1 <= getDimension() <= 3
getCoordinateArray( i ) != nullptr \( \forall i \)
hasSidreGroup() == false.
isExternal() == true

◆ ~RectilinearMesh()

virtual axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::~RectilinearMesh ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ isExternal()

virtual bool axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::isExternal ( ) const

Returns true if coordinates of the mesh are externally supplied.

status true if the coordinates point to external buffers.

Reimplemented from axom::mint::StructuredMesh.

References getCoordinateArray(), getNode(), and axom::Array< T >::isExternal().

◆ getNode()

virtual void axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::getNode ( IndexType  nodeID,
double *  node 
) const

Copy the coordinates of the given node into the provided buffer.

[in]nodeIDthe ID of the node in question.
[in]coordsthe buffer to copy the coordinates into, of length at least getDimension().
This method is provided primarily for convenience. It is a virtual method and should be used with caution. We advise to not call this method inside a tight loop to avoid the performance overhead of virtual calls. Instead, opt to use getCoordinateArray() method which can give direct memory access to the coordinates of a node.
0 <= nodeID < getNumberOfNodes()
coords != nullptr

Implements axom::mint::StructuredMesh.

Referenced by isExternal().

◆ getCoordinateArray() [1/2]

virtual double* axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::getCoordinateArray ( int  dim)

Returns pointer to the nodal positions in the specified dimension.

[in]dimthe specified dimension
the returned buffer is of length getNodeResolution( dim ).
dim >= 0 && dim < dimension()

Implements axom::mint::StructuredMesh.

Referenced by isExternal().

◆ getCoordinateArray() [2/2]

virtual const double* axom::mint::RectilinearMesh::getCoordinateArray ( int  dim) const

◆ getNumberOfCells()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCells ( ) const

◆ getCellType() [1/2]

virtual CellType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellType ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDcellID = 0) const

Return the type of cell this mesh holds. SEGMENT, QUAD, or HEX depending on the dimension.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question, this parameter is ignored.

References axom::mint::HEX, axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, axom::mint::QUAD, and axom::mint::SEGMENT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCellFaces().

◆ getCellType() [2/2]

virtual CellType axom::mint::Mesh::getCellType ( IndexType  cellID = 0) const
pure virtualinherited

Return the type of the given cell.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question, this parameter is ignored if hasMixedCellTypes() == false.
0 <= cellID < getNumberOfCells()

Implemented in axom::mint::UnstructuredMesh< TOPO >.

Referenced by axom::quest::SignedDistance< NDIMS >::computeDistance().

◆ getNumberOfCellNodes() [1/2]

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCellNodes ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDcellID = 0) const

Return the number of nodes associated with the given cell.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question, this parameter is ignored.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs(), and axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs().

◆ getNumberOfCellNodes() [2/2]

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getNumberOfCellNodes ( IndexType  cellID = 0) const
pure virtualinherited

Return the number of nodes associated with the given cell.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question, this parameter is ignored unless hasMixedCellTypes() == true.
0 <= cellID < getNumberOfCells()

Implemented in axom::mint::UnstructuredMesh< TOPO >.

◆ getCellNodeIDs() [1/4]

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs ( IndexType  cellID,
IndexType nodes 
) const

Copy the node IDs of the given cell into the provided buffer. The buffer must be of length at least getNumberOfCellNodes().

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question.
[out]nodesthe buffer into which the node IDs are copied, must be of length at least getNumberOfCellNodes().
The number of nodes for the given cell.
nodes != nullptr
0 <= cellID < getNumberOfCells()

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellGridIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCells(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCellNodes().

◆ getCellNodeIDs() [2/4]

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs ( IndexType  i,
IndexType  j,
IndexType nodes 
) const

Copy the node IDs of the given cell into the provided buffer.

[in]ilogical index of the cell along the first dimension.
[in]jlogical index of the cell along the second dimension.
[in]klogical index of the cell along the third dimension (optional).
[out]nodespointer to buffer to populate with the node IDs.
the number of nodes in the cell.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs().

◆ getCellNodeIDs() [3/4]

◆ getCellNodeIDs() [4/4]

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getCellNodeIDs ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDcellID,
IndexType AXOM_NOT_USEDnodes 
) const
pure virtualinherited

Copy the connectivity of the given cell into the provided buffer. The buffer must be of length at least getNumberOfCellNodes( cellID ).

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question.
[out]nodesthe buffer into which the connectivity is copied, must be of length at least getNumberOfCellNodes( cellID ).
The number of nodes for the given cell.
nodes != nullptr
0 <= cellID < getNumberOfCells()

Referenced by axom::quest::SignedDistance< NDIMS >::computeDistance().

◆ getNumberOfCellFaces()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCellFaces ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDcellID = 0) const

Return the number of faces associated with the given cell.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question, this parameter is ignored.

Implements axom::mint::Mesh.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs(), axom::mint::getCellInfo(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellType(), and axom::mint::CellInfo::num_faces.

◆ getCellFaceIDs() [1/4]

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs ( IndexType  cellID,
IndexType faces 
) const

Returns the IDs of the faces of the cell at (i,j) or (i, j, k).

[in]ilogical index of the cell along the first dimension.
[in]jlogical index of the cell along the second dimension.
[in]klogical index of the cell along the third dimension (optional).
[out]facesbuffer to populate with the face IDs. Must be of length at least getNumberOfCellFaces().
The faces are returned in the order of LOWER_I_FACE, UPPER_I_FACE, LOWER_J_FACE, UPPER_J_FACE and then LOWER_K_FACE, UPPER_K_FACE if 3D.
faces != nullptr
0 <= cellID < getNumberOfCells()

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellJp(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellKp(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCells(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCellFaces().

◆ getCellFaceIDs() [2/4]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs ( IndexType  i,
IndexType  j,
IndexType faces 
) const

Returns the IDs of the faces of the cell at (i,j) or (i, j, k).

[in]ilogical index of the cell along the first dimension.
[in]jlogical index of the cell along the second dimension.
[in]klogical index of the cell along the third dimension (optional).
[out]facesbuffer to populate with the face IDs. Must be of length at least getNumberOfCellFaces().
The faces are returned in the order of LOWER_I_FACE, UPPER_I_FACE, LOWER_J_FACE, UPPER_J_FACE and then LOWER_K_FACE, UPPER_K_FACE if 3D.
faces != nullptr

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellLinearIndex().

◆ getCellFaceIDs() [3/4]

◆ getCellFaceIDs() [4/4]

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getCellFaceIDs ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDcellID,
IndexType AXOM_NOT_USEDfaces 
) const
pure virtualinherited

Populates the given buffer with the IDs of the faces of the given cell and returns the number of faces.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cellID in question.
[out]facesbuffer to populate with the face IDs. Must be of length at least getNumberOfCellFaces( cellID ).
faces != nullptr
0 <= cellID < getNumberOfCells()

Implemented in axom::mint::ParticleMesh.

◆ getNumberOfNodes()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfNodes ( ) const

◆ getNumberOfFaces()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfFaces ( ) const

◆ getFaceType()

virtual CellType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceType ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDfaceID = 0) const

Return the type of face this mesh holds. SEGMENT or QUAD depending on the dimension.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question, this parameter is ignored.

Implements axom::mint::Mesh.

References axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, axom::mint::QUAD, axom::mint::SEGMENT, and axom::mint::UNDEFINED_CELL.

◆ getNumberOfFaceNodes()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfFaceNodes ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDfaceID = 0) const

Return the number of nodes associated with the given face.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question, this parameter is ignored.

Implements axom::mint::Mesh.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceCellIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceNodeIDs(), and axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims.

◆ getFaceNodeIDs() [1/2]

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceNodeIDs ( IndexType  faceID,
IndexType nodes 
) const

Copy the IDs of the nodes that compose the given face into the provided buffer.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]nodesthe buffer into which the node IDs are copied, must be of length at least getNumberOfFaceNodes().
The number of nodes for the given face.
nodes != nullptr
0 <= faceID < getNumberOfCells()

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceNodeIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getJFaceNodeIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceNodeIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfFaces(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getTotalNumFaces(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfFaceNodes().

◆ getFaceNodeIDs() [2/2]

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getFaceNodeIDs ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDfaceID,
IndexType AXOM_NOT_USEDnodes 
) const
pure virtualinherited

Copy the IDs of the nodes that compose the given face into the provided buffer.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]nodesthe buffer into which the node IDs are copied, must be of length at least getNumberOfFaceNodes().
The number of nodes for the given face.
nodes != nullptr
0 <= faceID < getNumberOfFaces()

Implemented in axom::mint::ParticleMesh.

◆ getFaceCellIDs() [1/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceCellIDs ( IndexType  faceID,
IndexType cellIDOne,
IndexType cellIDTwo 
) const

Copy the IDs of the cells adjacent to the given face into the provided indices.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]cellIDOnethe ID of the first cell.
[out]cellIDTwothe ID of the second cell.
A face can be associated with one or two cells, depending on whether it is an external boundary face or interior face. By convention, if a face is an external boundary face, then only cellIDOne exists and cellIDTwo will be set to -1.
0 <= faceID < getNumberOfCells()

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceCellIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getJFaceCellIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceCellIDs(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getTotalNumFaces().

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfFaceNodes().

◆ getFaceCellIDs() [2/2]

virtual void axom::mint::Mesh::getFaceCellIDs ( IndexType   AXOM_NOT_USEDfaceID,
IndexType AXOM_NOT_USEDcellIDOne,
IndexType AXOM_NOT_USEDcellIDTwo 
) const
pure virtualinherited

Copy the IDs of the cells adjacent to the given face into the provided indices.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]cellIDOnethe ID of the first cell.
[out]cellIDTwothe ID of the second cell.
If no cell exists (the face is external) then the ID will be set to -1.
0 <= faceID < getNumberOfFaces()

Implemented in axom::mint::ParticleMesh.

◆ getNumberOfEdges()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfEdges ( ) const

Return the number of edges in the mesh.

Implements axom::mint::Mesh.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_num_edges.

◆ getCellNodeOffsetsArray()

const StackArray<IndexType, 8>& axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeOffsetsArray ( ) const

Returns the cell node offsets array.

offsets pointer to the cell-to-node offsets array.
offsets != nullptr

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_node_offsets.

◆ getIFaceNodeIDs()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceNodeIDs ( IndexType  faceID,
IndexType nodes 
) const

Copy the IDs of the nodes that compose the given face into the provided buffer.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]nodesthe buffer into which the node IDs are copied, must be of length at least getNumberOfFaceNodes().
The number of nodes for the given face.
Each method is specialized for faces in the I, J, or K direction.
nodes != nullptr
0 <= faceID < getNumberOfCells()

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeResolution(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getTotalNumFaces(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceNodeIDs().

◆ getJFaceNodeIDs()

◆ getKFaceNodeIDs()

◆ getIFaceCellIDs()

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceCellIDs ( IndexType  faceID,
IndexType cellIDOne,
IndexType cellIDTwo 
) const

Copy the IDs of the cells adjacent to the given face into the provided indices.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]cellIDOnethe ID of the first cell.
[out]cellIDTwothe ID of the second cell.
A face can be associated with one or two cells, depending on whether it is an external boundary face or interior face. By convention, if a face is an external boundary face, then only cellIDOne exists and cellIDTwo will be set to -1.
Each method is specialized for faces in the I, J, or K direction.
0 <= faceID < getNumberOfCells()

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellLinearIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellResolution(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceGridIndex(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceCellIDs().

◆ getJFaceCellIDs()

◆ getKFaceCellIDs()

◆ getNodeResolution()

◆ getExtent()

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getExtent ( int64  extent[6]) const

Get the global node extent of the mesh.

[out]extentthe buffer to copy the global node extent into, must be of length at least 6.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_extent, axom::mint::StructuredMesh::setExtent(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

◆ setExtent()

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::setExtent ( int  ndims,
const int64 extent 

Set the global node extent of the mesh.

[in]ndimsthe number of dimensions to set.
[in]extentthe values to set, of length at least 2 * ndims.
0 <= dim < 3

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getExtent().

◆ getCellResolution()

◆ getTotalNumFaces()

◆ nodeJp()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::nodeJp ( ) const

Returns stride to the second dimension of nodes.

If the mesh is 1D the returned value is the largest number representable as an IndexType.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_jp.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeGridIndex(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeLinearIndex().

◆ nodeKp()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::nodeKp ( ) const

kp stride to the third dimension of nodes.

If the mesh is 1D or 2D the returned value is the largest number representable as an IndexType.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_kp.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeGridIndex(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeLinearIndex().

◆ getNodeLinearIndex()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeLinearIndex ( IndexType  i,
IndexType  j,
IndexType  k = 0 
) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical node indices.

[in]ilogical node index of the first dimension.
[in]jlogical node index of the second dimension.
[in]klogical node index of the third dimension (optional)
0 <= i < getNodeResolution( I_DIRECTION )
0 <= j < getNodeResolution( J_DIRECTION )
0 <= k < getNodeResolution( K_DIRECTION )

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::nodeJp(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::nodeKp().

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs().

◆ getNodeGridIndex() [1/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeGridIndex ( IndexType  nodeID,
IndexType i,
IndexType j 
) const

Given the 1D linear index of a node, this method computes the corresponding i-j-k grid index.

[in]nodeIDthe local flat index.
[out]ithe corresponding grid index along the I_DIRECTION.
[out]jthe corresponding grid index along the J_DIRECTION.
[out]kthe corresponding grid index along the K_DIRECTION (optional).
The first method is not valid for 3D meshes.
nodeID >= 0 && nodeID < getNumNodes()
0 <= i < getNodeResolution( I_DIRECTION )
0 <= j < getNodeResolution( J_DIRECTION )
0 <= k < getNodeResolution( K_DIRECTION )

References axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, axom::mint::StructuredMesh::nodeJp(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

◆ getNodeGridIndex() [2/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeGridIndex ( IndexType  nodeID,
IndexType i,
IndexType j,
IndexType k 
) const

◆ cellJp()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellJp ( ) const

Returns stride to the second dimension of cells.

If the mesh is 1D the returned value is the largest number representable as an IndexType.
jp >= 0.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_jp.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellGridIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellLinearIndex(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceGridIndex().

◆ cellKp()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellKp ( ) const

Returns stride to the third dimension of cells.

If the mesh is 1D or 2D the returned value is the largest number representable as an IndexType.
kp >= 0.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_kp.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellGridIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellLinearIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceLinearIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceGridIndex(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceLinearIndex().

◆ getCellLinearIndex()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellLinearIndex ( IndexType  i,
IndexType  j,
IndexType  k = 0 
) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical grid cell indices.

[in]ilogical cell index of the first dimension.
[in]jlogical cell index of the second dimension.
[in]klogical cell index of the third dimension (optional)
0 <= i < getCellResolution( I_DIRECTION )
0 <= j < getCellResolution( J_DIRECTION )
0 <= k < getCellResolution( K_DIRECTION )

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellJp(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellKp().

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellFaceIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceCellIDs(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getJFaceCellIDs(), and axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceCellIDs().

◆ getCellGridIndex() [1/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellGridIndex ( IndexType  cellID,
IndexType i,
IndexType j 
) const

Given the 1D linear index of a cell, this method computes the corresponding i-j-k grid index.

[in]cellIDthe ID of the cell in question.
[out]ithe corresponding grid index along the I_DIRECTION.
[out]jthe corresponding grid index along the J_DIRECTION.
[out]kthe corresponding grid index along the K_DIRECTION.
The first method is not valid for 3D meshes.
cellID >= 0 && cellID < getNumNodes()
0 <= i < getCellResolution( I_DIRECTION )
0 <= j < getCellResolution( J_DIRECTION )
0 <= k < getCellResolution( K_DIRECTION )

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellJp(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellNodeIDs().

◆ getCellGridIndex() [2/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellGridIndex ( IndexType  cellID,
IndexType i,
IndexType j,
IndexType k 
) const

◆ getFaceLinearIndex()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceLinearIndex ( int  dir,
IndexType  i,
IndexType  j,
IndexType  k = 0 
) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical grid face indices.

[in]dirthe direction of the face in question.
[in]ilogical face index of the first dimension.
[in]jlogical face index of the second dimension.
[in]klogical face index of the third dimension (optional)

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::cellKp(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellResolution(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceLinearIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getJFaceLinearIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceLinearIndex(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNumberOfCells(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getTotalNumFaces(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_total_IJ_faces, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getCellGridIndex().

◆ getIFaceLinearIndex()

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceLinearIndex ( IndexType  i,
IndexType  j,
IndexType  k = 0 
) const

Returns the linear index corresponding to the given logical face indices.

[in]ilogical face index of the first dimension.
[in]jlogical face index of the second dimension.
[in]klogical face index of the third dimension (optional)
Each method is valid only for the appropriate dimension of the mesh.
Each method is specialized for a particular direction.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeResolution(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_num_I_faces_in_k_slice, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getFaceLinearIndex().

◆ getJFaceLinearIndex()

◆ getKFaceLinearIndex()

◆ getIFaceGridIndex() [1/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceGridIndex ( IndexType  faceID,
IndexType i,
IndexType j 
) const

Returns the grid indices corresponding to the given linear face index.

[in]faceIDthe ID of the face in question.
[out]ilogical face index of the first dimension.
[out]jlogical face index of the second dimension.
[out]klogical face index of the third dimension (optional)
Each method is valid only for the appropriate dimension of the mesh.
Each method is specialized for a particular direction.

References axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getNodeResolution(), axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getTotalNumFaces(), axom::mint::Mesh::m_ndims, and SLIC_ASSERT.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getIFaceCellIDs().

◆ getIFaceGridIndex() [2/2]

◆ getJFaceGridIndex() [1/2]

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getJFaceGridIndex ( IndexType  faceID,
IndexType i,
IndexType j 
) const

◆ getJFaceGridIndex() [2/2]

◆ getKFaceGridIndex()

◆ structuredInit()

void axom::mint::StructuredMesh::structuredInit ( )

Initialize all the StructuredMesh members.

Referenced by axom::mint::StructuredMesh::getKFaceGridIndex().

◆ getCellCapacity()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getCellCapacity ( ) const

Returns the capacity for number of cell in this mesh instance.

N the cell capacity
N >= 0

Reimplemented in axom::mint::UnstructuredMesh< TOPO >, and axom::mint::ParticleMesh.

References AXOM_NOT_USED.

◆ getNodeCapacity()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getNodeCapacity ( ) const

Returns the capacity for number of nodes in this mesh instance.

N the node capacity
N >= 0

Reimplemented in axom::mint::UnstructuredMesh< TOPO >, and axom::mint::ParticleMesh.

◆ getFaceCapacity()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getFaceCapacity ( ) const

Returns the capacity for number of faces in this mesh instance.

N the face capacity
N >= 0

Reimplemented in axom::mint::UnstructuredMesh< TOPO >.

References AXOM_NOT_USED.

◆ getEdgeCapacity()

virtual IndexType axom::mint::Mesh::getEdgeCapacity ( ) const

Returns the capacity for number of edges in this mesh instance.

N the edge capacity
N >= 0

Reimplemented in axom::mint::UnstructuredMesh< TOPO >, and axom::mint::ParticleMesh.

◆ getDimension()

int axom::mint::Mesh::getDimension ( ) const

Returns the dimension for this mesh instance.

ndims the dimension of this mesh instance.
ndims >= 1 && ndims <= 3

Referenced by axom::mint::UniformMesh::evaluateCoordinate().

◆ getBlockId()

int axom::mint::Mesh::getBlockId ( ) const

Returns the ID of this mesh instance.

Id the ID of the mesh.

◆ setBlockId()

void axom::mint::Mesh::setBlockId ( int  ID)

set the block ID of this mesh instance.

[in]IDthe new block ID.
getBlockId() == ID

◆ getPartitionId()

int axom::mint::Mesh::getPartitionId ( ) const

Returns the partition ID of this mesh instance.

partitionId the partition ID of the mesh.

◆ setPartitionId()

void axom::mint::Mesh::setPartitionId ( int  ID)

set the partition ID of this mesh instance.

[in]IDthe new partition ID.
getPartitionId() == ID

◆ getMeshType()

int axom::mint::Mesh::getMeshType ( ) const

Returns the mesh type of this mesh instance.

meshType the mesh type
See also

◆ hasExplicitCoordinates()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::hasExplicitCoordinates ( ) const

Checks if this mesh instance has explicit coordinates.

status true iff the mesh defines coordinates explicitly.

◆ hasExplicitConnectivity()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::hasExplicitConnectivity ( ) const

Checks if this mesh instance has explicit connectivity.

status true iff the mesh defines cell connectivity explicitly.

◆ hasMixedCellTypes()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::hasMixedCellTypes ( ) const

Checks if the mesh has mixed cell types, e.g., consisting of both triangle and quad elements or hex,pyramid,prisms and tets in 3-D.

status true iff the mesh has mixed cell types.

◆ isStructured()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::isStructured ( ) const

Returns true if the mesh type is structured.

status true if the mesh type is structured, else, false.


◆ isUnstructured()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::isUnstructured ( ) const

Returns true if the mesh type is unstructured.

status true if the mesh type is unstructured, else, false.

References axom::mint::ANY_CENTERING, and axom::mint::UNSTRUCTURED_MESH.

◆ hasSidreGroup()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::hasSidreGroup ( ) const

Checks if this Mesh instance is associated with a Sidre Group.

status true if the Mesh is associated with a group in a Sidre hierarchy, else, false.

◆ getFieldData()

const FieldData * axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldData ( int  association) const

Returns const pointer to the FieldData instance with the specified mesh field association, e.g., NODE_CENTERED, CELL_CENTERED, etc.

[in]associationthe specified mesh field association
fd pointer to the requested FieldData instance
association >= 0 && association < NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION
fd != nullptr
See also

References axom::mint::NODE_CENTERED, axom::mint::NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATIONS, axom::mint::PARTICLE_MESH, and SLIC_ERROR_IF.

◆ hasField()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::hasField ( const std::string &  name,
int  association = ANY_CENTERING 
) const

Check if a field with the given name and association exists.

[in]namethe name of the field in query.
[in]associationthe field association (optional)
status true if the field exists, else, false.
If an association is not explicitly specified, the code will check if a field by the given name exists in any available centeering.
association >= 0 && association < NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION
See also

References axom::mint::ANY_CENTERING, axom::mint::FieldData::hasField(), axom::mint::NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATIONS, axom::mint::PARTICLE_MESH, and SLIC_ASSERT.

◆ createField() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T * axom::mint::Mesh::createField ( const std::string &  name,
int  association,
IndexType  num_components = 1,
bool  storeInSidre = true 

Creates a new field with the given name and specified mesh field association, e.g., NODE_CENTERED, CELL_CENTERED, etc.

[in]namethe name of the new field.
[in]associationthe mesh field association.
[in]num_componentsnumber of components of the field (optional).
[in]storeInSidreindicates whether to store the field in the corresponding Sidre group (optional).
ptr raw pointer to the data buffer of the new field.
This method throws an error and aborts if any of the pre-conditions is not satisfied.
name.empty() == false
hasField( name ) == false
association >= 0 && association < NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION
ptr != nullptr
hasField( name ) == true
See also

References axom::mint::FieldData::createField(), SLIC_ASSERT, and SLIC_ERROR_IF.

Referenced by axom::quest::detail::InOutOctreeMeshDumper< DIM >::dumpTriMeshVTK().

◆ createField() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T * axom::mint::Mesh::createField ( const std::string &  name,
int  association,
T *  data,
IndexType  num_components = 1,
IndexType  capacity = USE_DEFAULT 

Creates a new field from an external buffer that has the given name and specified mesh field association, e.g., NODE_CENTERED, CELL_CENTERED, etc.

[in]namethe name of the new field.
[in]associationthe mesh field association.
[in]datapointer to the external data buffer.
[in]num_componentsnumber of components of the field (optional).
ptr raw pointer to the data buffer of the new field.
This method throws an error and aborts if any of the pre-conditions is not satisfied.
name.empty() == false
hasField( name ) == false
data != nullptr
association >= 0 && association < NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION
ptr != nullptr
ptr == data
hasField( name ) == true
See also

References axom::mint::FieldData::createField(), SLIC_ASSERT, and SLIC_ERROR_IF.

◆ removeField()

bool axom::mint::Mesh::removeField ( const std::string &  name,
int  association 

Removes the field with the given name and specified association.

[in]namethe name of the field to remove.
[in]associationthe mesh field association.
status true if the field is removed successfully, else, false.
name.emtpy() == false
association >= 0 && association < NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION
See also

References axom::mint::FieldData::hasField(), axom::mint::FieldData::removeField(), and SLIC_WARNING_IF.

◆ getFieldPtr() [1/4]

template<typename T >
T * axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldPtr ( const std::string &  name,
int  association,
IndexType num_components 

Returns pointer to buffer of the field with the given ane and specified mesh field association.

[in]namethe name of the requested field.
[in]associationthe mesh field association.
[out]num_componentsthe number of components per tuple (optional).
ptr raw pointer to the data buffer of the requested field.
name.empty() == false
hasField( name )
association >= 0 && association < NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATION
See also

References axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldPtr().

Referenced by axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldPtr().

◆ getFieldPtr() [2/4]

template<typename T >
T * axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldPtr ( const std::string &  name,
int  association 

◆ getFieldPtr() [3/4]

template<typename T >
const T * axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldPtr ( const std::string &  name,
int  association,
IndexType num_components 
) const

◆ getFieldPtr() [4/4]

template<typename T >
const T * axom::mint::Mesh::getFieldPtr ( const std::string &  name,
int  association 
) const

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_node_dims

StackArray<IndexType, 3> axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_dims = {{0, 0, 0}}

◆ m_node_extent

StackArray<int64, 6> axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_extent = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}

◆ m_node_jp

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_jp = 0

◆ m_node_kp

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_node_kp = 0

◆ m_cell_dims

StackArray<IndexType, 3> axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_dims = {{0, 0, 0}}

◆ m_cell_jp

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_jp = 0

◆ m_cell_kp

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_kp = 0

◆ m_cell_node_offsets

StackArray<IndexType, 8> axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_cell_node_offsets = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}

◆ m_total_faces

StackArray<IndexType, 3> axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_total_faces = {{0, 0, 0}}

◆ m_total_IJ_faces

◆ m_num_I_faces_in_k_slice

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_num_I_faces_in_k_slice = 0

◆ m_num_J_faces_in_k_slice

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_num_J_faces_in_k_slice = 0

◆ m_num_edges

IndexType axom::mint::StructuredMesh::m_num_edges = 0

◆ m_ndims

◆ m_type

int axom::mint::Mesh::m_type

mesh dimension

◆ m_block_idx

int axom::mint::Mesh::m_block_idx

the type of the mesh

◆ m_part_idx

int axom::mint::Mesh::m_part_idx

the Block ID of the mesh

◆ m_explicit_coords

bool axom::mint::Mesh::m_explicit_coords

the partition ID of the mesh

◆ m_explicit_connectivity

bool axom::mint::Mesh::m_explicit_connectivity

◆ m_has_mixed_topology

bool axom::mint::Mesh::m_has_mixed_topology

◆ m_mesh_fields

FieldData* axom::mint::Mesh::m_mesh_fields[NUM_FIELD_ASSOCIATIONS]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: