Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
Message.hpp File Reference

This file contains the class definition of the Message. More...

#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>


class  axom::lumberjack::Message
 Holds information about messages and where they came from. More...




const char * axom::lumberjack::packMessages (const std::vector< Message *> &messages)
 This packs all given Message classes into one const char buffer. More...
void axom::lumberjack::unpackMessages (std::vector< Message *> &messages, const char *packedMessages, const int ranksLimit)
 This unpacks the given const char buffer and adds the created Messages classes to the given vector. More...
bool axom::lumberjack::isPackedMessagesEmpty (const char *packedMessages)
 This checks if a given set of packed messages is empty. More...


const char *const axom::lumberjack::zeroMessage = "0"
 Message to indicate no messages need to be sent from child node. More...
const char axom::lumberjack::memberDelimiter = '*'
 Delimiter used for packing messages and separating their members. More...
const char axom::lumberjack::rankDelimiter = ','
 Delimiter used for packing messages and separating their individual tracked ranks. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains the class definition of the Message.