10 Common Code Development Macros, Types, etc.¶
This section provides guidelines for consistent use of macros and types defined in Axom components, such as “axom_utils” and “slic”, and in our build system that we use in day-to-day code development.
Code that is guarded with macros described in this section must not change the externally-observable execution behavior of the code.
The macros are intended to help users and developers avoid unintended or potentially erroneous usage, etc. not confuse them.
Unused variables¶
10.2 To silence compiler warnings and express variable usage intent more clearly, macros in the AxomMacros.hpp header file in the source include directory must be used when appropriate. For example,:
void my_function(int x, int AXOM_DEBUG_PARAM(y))
// use variable y only for debug compilation
Here, the AXOM_DEBUG_PARAM macro indicates that the variable ‘y’ is only used when the code is compiled in debug mode. It also removes the variable name in the argument list in non-debug compilation to prevent unwanted compiler warnings.
Please see the AxomMacros.hpp header file for other available macros and usage examples.
Disabling compiler-generated methods¶
10.3 To disable compiler-generated class/struct methods when this is desired and to clearly express this intent, the AXOMMacros.hpp header file in source include directory contains macros that should be used for this purpose. See Avoid issues with compiler-generated class methods for more information about compiler-generated methods.
Please see the AXOMMacros.hpp header file for other available macros and usage examples.
Conditionally compiled code¶
10.4 Macros defined by Axom build system must be used to control conditional code compilation.
For example, complex or multi-line code that is intended to be exposed only for a debug build must be guarded using the AXOM_DEBUG macro:
void MyMethod(...)
#if defined(AXOM_DEBUG)
// Code that performs debugging checks on object state, method args,
// reports diagnostic messages, etc. goes here
// rest of method implementation
The Axom build system provides various other macros for controlling conditionally-compiled code. The macro constants will be defined based on CMake options given when the code is configured. Please see the config.hpp header file in the source include directory for a complete list.
Error handling¶
10.5 Macros provided in the “slic” component should be used to provide runtime checks for incorrect or questionable usage and informative messages for developers and users.
Runtime checks for incorrect or questionable usage and generation of informative warning, error, notice messages can be a tremendous help to users and developers. This is an excellent way to provide run-time debugging capabilities in code. Using the “slic” macros ensures that syntax and meaning are consistent and that output information is handled similarly throughout the code.
When certain conditions are encountered, the macros can emit failed boolean expressions and descriptive messages that help to understand potentially problematic usage. Here’s an example of common SLIC macro usage in AXOM:
Bar* myCoolFunction(int in_val, Foo* in_foo)
if ( in_val < 0 || in_foo == nullptr )
SLIC_CHECK_MSG( in_val >= 0, "in_val must be non-negative" );
SLIC_CHECK( in_foo != nullptr );
return nullptr;
} else if ( !in_foo->isSet() ) {
SLIC_CHECK_MSG( in_foo->isSet(),
"in_foo is not set, will use default settings");
const int val = in_val >= 0 ? in_val : DEFAULT_VAL;
in_foo->setDefaults( val );
Bar* bar = new Bar(in_foo);
return bar;
This example uses slic macros that are only active when the code is compiled in debug mode. When compiled in release mode, for example, the macros are empty and so do nothing. Also, when a condition is encountered that is problematic, such as ‘in_val < 0’ or ‘in_foo == nullptr’, the code will emit the condition and an optional message and not halt. This allows calling code to catch the issue (in this case a null return value) and react. There are other macros (e.g., SLIC_ASSERT) that will halt the code if that is desired.
Slic macros operate in one of two compilation-defined modes. Some macros are active only in for a debug compile. Others are active for any build type. Macros provided for each of these modes can be used to halt the code or not after describing the condition that triggered them. The following table summarizes the SLIC macros.
Macro type | When active? | Halts code? |
ERROR | Always | Yes |
WARNING | Always | No |
ASSERT | Debug only | Yes |
CHECK | Debug only | No |
Typically, we use macros ERROR/WARNING macros rarely. They are used primarily to catch cases that are obvious programming errors or would put an application in a state where continuing is seriously in doubt. CHECK macros are used most often, since they provide useful debugging information and do not halt the code – they allow users to catch cases from which they can recover. ASSERT macros are used in cases where halting the code is desired, but only in debug mode.
Please see the slic.hpp header file to see which macros are available and how to use them.
It is important to apply these macros judiciously so that they benefit users and other developers. We want to help folks use our software correctly and not “spam” them with too much information.