4 Header File Organization¶
The goal of these guidelines is to make it easy to find essential information in header files easily and quickly. Header files define software interfaces so consistently-applied conventions for file organization can significantly improve user understanding and developer productivity.
Include in a header file only what’s needed to compile it¶
4.3 A header file must be self-contained and self-sufficient.
Specifically, each header file
- Must have proper header file include guards (see Header file layout details) to prevent multiple inclusion. The macro symbol name for each guard must be chosen to guarantee uniqueness within every compilation unit in which it appears.
- Must include all other headers and/or forward declarations it needs to be compiled standalone. In addition, a file should not rely on symbols defined in other header files it includes; the other files should be included explicitly.
- Must contain implementations of all generic templates and inline methods defined in it. A compiler will require the full definitions of these constructs to be seen in every source file that uses them.
Function templates or class template members whose implementations are fully specialized with all template arguments must be defined in an associated source file to avoid linker errors (e.g., multiply-defined symbols). Fully specialized templates are not templates and are treated just like regular functions.
4.4 Extraneous header files or forward declarations (i.e., those not required for standalone compilation) must not be included in header files.
Spurious header file inclusions, in particular, introduce spurious file dependencies, which can increase compilation time unnecessarily.
Use forward declarations when you can¶
4.5 Header files should use forward declarations instead of header file inclusions when possible. This may speed up compilation, especially when recompiling after header file changes.
Exceptions to this guideline:
- Header files that define external APIs for the Axom project must include all header files for all types that appear in the API. This makes use of the API much easier.
- When using a function, such as an inline method or template, that is implemented in a header file, the header file containing the implementation must be included.
- When using C++ standard library types in a header file, it may be preferable to include the actual headers rather than forward reference headers, such as ‘iosfwd’, to make the header file easier to use. This prevents users from having to explicitly include standard headers wherever your header file is used.
4.6 A forward type declaration must be used in a header file when an include statement would result in a circular dependency among header files.
Forward references, or C++ standard ‘fwd’ headers, are preferred over header file inclusions when they are sufficient.
Organize header file contents for easy understanding¶
4.7 Header file include statements should use the same ordering pattern for all files.
This improves code readability, helps to avoid misunderstood dependencies, and insures successful compilation regardless of dependencies in other files. A common, recommended header file inclusion ordering scheme is (only some of these may be needed):
- Headers in the same Axom component
- Other headers within the project
- TPL headers; e.g., MPI, OpenMP, HDF5, etc.
- C++ and C standard library headers
- System headers
Also, code is easier to understand when include files are ordered alphabetically within each of these sections and a blank line is inserted between sections. Adding comments that describe the header file categories can be helpful as well. For example,
// Headers from this component
#include "OtherClassInThisComponent.hpp"
// "other" component headers
#include "other/SomeOtherClass.hpp"
// C standard library
#include <stdio.h>
// C++ standard library
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
// Non-std system header
#include <unistd.h>
Ideally, header file inclusion ordering should not matter. Inevitably, this will not always be the case. Following the ordering prescription above helps to avoid problems when others’ header files are not constructed following best practices.
4.8 Routines should be ordered and grouped in a header file so that code readability and understanding are enhanced.
For example, all related methods should be grouped together. Also, public methods, which are part of an interface, should appear before private methods.
All function arguments should have names¶
4.9 The name of each function argument must be specified in a header file declaration. Also, names in function declarations and definitions must match.
For example, this is not an acceptable function declaration:
void doSomething(int, int, int);Without argument names, the only way to tell what the arguments mean is to look at the implementation or hope that the method is documented well.
Header file layout details¶
Content must be organized consistently in all header files. This section summarizes the recommended header file layout using numbers and text to illustrate the basic structure. Details about individual items are contained in the guidelines after the summary.
// (1) Axom copyright and release statement
// (2) Doxygen file prologue
// (3a) Header file include guard, e.g.,
// (4) Header file inclusions (when NEEDED in lieu of forward declarations)
#include "myHeader.hpp"
// (5) Forward declarations NEEDED in header file (outside of project namespace)
class ForwardDeclaredClass;
// (6a) Axom project namespace declaration
namespace axom {
// (7a) Internal namespace (if used); e.g.,
namespace awesome {
// (8) Forward declarations NEEDED in header file (in project namespace(s))
class AnotherForwardDeclaredClass;
// (9) Type definitions (class, enum, etc.) with Doxygen comments e.g.,
* \brief Brief ...summary comment text...
* ...detailed comment text...
class MyClass {
int m_classMember;
// (7b) Internal namespace closing brace (if needed)
} // awesome namespace closing brace
// (6b) Project namespace closing brace
} // axom namespace closing brace
// (3b) Header file include guard closing endif */
#endif // closing endif for header file include guard
4.10 (Item 1) Each header file must contain a comment section that includes the Axom copyright and release statement.
See 7 Code Documentation for details.
4.11 (Item 2) Each header file must begin with a Doxygen file prologue.
See 7 Code Documentation for details.
4.12 (Items 3a,3b) The contents of each header file must be guarded using a preprocessor directive that defines a unique “guard name” for the file.
The guard must appear immediately after the file prologue and use the ‘#ifndef’ directive (item 2a); this requires a closing ‘#endif’ statement at the end of the file (item 2b).
The preprocessor constant must use the file name followed by “_HPP” for C++ header files; e.g., “MYCLASS_HPP” as above.
The preprocessor constant must use the file name followed by “_H” for C header files.
4.13 (Item 4) All necessary header file inclusion statements must appear immediately after copyright and release statement and before any forward declarations, type definitions, etc.
4.14 (Item 5) Any necessary forward declarations for types defined outside the project namespace must appear after the header include statements and before the Axom project namespace statement.
4.15 (Items 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) All types defined and methods defined in a header file must be included in a namespace.
Either the project “axom” namespace (item 6a) or a namespace nested within the project namespace (item 7a) may be used, or both may be used. A closing brace ( “}” ) is required to close each namespace declaration (items 6b and 7b) before the closing ‘#endif’ for the header file include guard.
4.16 (Item 8) Forward declarations needed must appear in the appropriate namespace before any other statements (item 8).
4.17 (Item 9) All class and other type definitions must appear after header file inclusions and forward declarations. A proper class prologue must appear before the class definition. See 7 Code Documentation for details.