Parallel File I/O¶
The Sidre IOManager class provides an interface to manage parallel I/O of the data managed by Sidre. It enables the writing of data from parallel runs and can be used for the purposes of restart or visualization.
The IOManager class provides parallel I/O services to Sidre. IOManager relies on the fact that Sidre’s Group and View objects are capable of saving and loading themselves. These I/O operations in Sidre are inherently serial, so IOManager coordinates the I/O operations of multiple Sidre objects that exist across the MPI ranks of a parallel run.
- The internal details of the I/O of individual Sidre objects are opaque to IOManager, which needs only to make calls to the I/O methods in Sidre’s public API.
- Sidre data is written from M ranks to N files (M >= N), and the files can be read to restart a run on M ranks.
- When saving output, a root file is created that contains some bookkeeping data that is used to coordinate a subsequent restart read.
- The calling code can also add extra data to the root file to provide metadata that gives necessary instructions to visualization tools.
Parallel I/O using IOManager class¶
To accomplish parallel I/O, Sidre provides the IOManager class. This class is
instantiated with an MPI communicator and provides several overloads of the
and read()
methods. These methods save a Group in parallel
to a set of files and read a Group from existing files.
IOManager optionally uses the SCR library for scalable I/O
management (such as using burst buffers if available).
In typical usage, a run that calls read()
on a certain set of files
should be executed on the same number of MPI ranks as the run that created
those files with a write()
call. However, if using the “sidre_hdf5”
protocol, there are some usage patterns that do not have this limitation.
A read()
call using “sidre_hdf5” will work when called from a greater
number of processors. If write()
was executed on N ranks and read()
is called while running on M ranks (M > N), then data will be read into ranks
0 to N-1, and all ranks higher than N-1 will receive no data.
If read()
is called using “sidre_hdf5” to read data that was created on
a larger number of processors, this will work only in the case that the data
was written in a file-per-processor mode (M ranks to M files). In this case
the data in the Group being filled with file input will look a bit different
than in other usage patterns, since a Group on one rank will end up with data
from multiple ranks. An integer scalar View named reduced_input_ranks
will be added to the Group with the value being the number of ranks that
wrote the files. The data from each output rank will be read into subgroups
located at rank_{%07d}/sidre_input
in the input Group’s data hierarchy.
If read()
is called to read data that was created on a larger
number of processors than the current run with files produced in M-to-N
mode (M > N), an error will occur. Support for this type of usage is
intended to be added in future releases.
In the following example, an IOManager is created and used to write the contents of the Group “root” in parallel.
First include needed headers.
#include "axom/config.hpp" // for AXOM_USE_HDF5
#include "conduit_relay.hpp"
#ifdef AXOM_USE_HDF5
#include "conduit_relay_io_hdf5.hpp"
#include "axom/sidre/core/sidre.hpp"
#include "axom/sidre/spio/IOManager.hpp"
#include "fmt/fmt.hpp"
#include "mpi.h"
Then use IOManager to save in parallel.
* Contents of the DataStore written to files with IOManager.
int num_files = num_output;
axom::sidre::IOManager writer(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
const std::string file_name = "out_spio_parallel_write_read";
writer.write(root, num_files, file_name, PROTOCOL);
std::string root_name = file_name + ROOT_EXT;
Loading data in parallel is easy:
* Create another DataStore that holds nothing but the root group.
DataStore* ds2 = new DataStore();
* Read from the files that were written above.
IOManager reader(MPI_COMM_WORLD);>getRoot(), root_name);
IOManager class use¶
An IOManager is constructed with an MPI communicator and does I/O operations on all ranks associated with that communicator
The core functionality of IOManager is contained in the write()
and read()
void write(sidre::DataGroup * group,
int num_files,
const std::string& file_string,
const std::string& protocol);
is called in parallel with each rank passing in a Group pointer
for its local data. The calling code specifies the number of output files,
and IOManager organizes the output so that each file receives data from a
roughly equal number of ranks. The files containing the data from the group
will have names of the format “file_string/file_string_*******.suffix”, with a
7-digit integer value identifying the files from 0 to num_files-1, and the
suffix indicating the file format according to the protocol argument.
Additionally write()
will produce a root file with the name file_string.root
that holds some bookkeeping data about the other files and can also receive
extra user-specified data.
void read(sidre::DataGroup * group,
const std::string& root_file);
is called in parallel with the root file as an argument. It must be
called on a run with the same processor count as the run that called write()
The first argument is a pointer to a group that contains no child groups or
views, and the information in the root file is used to identify the files that
each processor will read to load data into the argument group.
The write()
and read()
methods above are sufficient to do a restart save/load
when the data is the group is completely owned by the Sidre data structures.
If Sidre is used to manage data that is externally allocated, the loading
procedure requires some additional steps to restore data in the same
externally-allocated state.
First the read()
method is called, and the full hierarchy structure of the
group is loaded into the Sidre Group, but no data is allocated for Views
identified as external. Then the calling code can examine the group and
allocate data for the external Views. View::setExternalDataPtr()
is used
to associate the pointer with the view. Once this is done, IOManager’s
can be used to load the data from the file into the
user-allocated arrays.
Below is a code example for loading external data. We assume that this code somehow has knowledge that the root group contains a single external view at the location “fields/external_array” describing an array of doubles. See the Group and View documentation for information about how to query the Sidre data structures for this type of information when the code does not have a priori knowledge.
// Construct a DataStore with an empty root group.
DataStore * ds = new DataStore();
DataGroup * root = ds->getRoot();
// Read from file into the root group. The full Sidre hierarchy is built,
// but the external view is created without allocating a data buffer.
IOManager reader(MPI_COMM_WORLD);, "checkpoint.root");
// Get a pointer to the external view.
DataView * external_view = root->getView("fields/external_array");
// Allocate storage for the array and associate it with the view.
double * external_array = new double[external_view->getNumElements()];
// Load the data values from file into the external view.
reader.loadExternalData(root, "checkpoint.root");
User-specified data in the root file¶
The root file is automatically created to provide the IOManager with bookkeeping information that is used when reading data, but it can also be used to store additional data that may be useful to the calling code or is needed to allow other tools to interact with the data in the output files, such as for visualization. For example, Conduit’s blueprint index can be stored in a DataGroup written to the root file to provide metadata about the mesh layout and data fields that can be visualized from the output files.
void writeGroupToRootFile(sidre::DataGroup * group,
const std::string& file_name);
void writeGroupToRootFileAtPath(sidre::DataGroup * group,
const std::string& file_name,
const std::string& group_path);
void writeViewToRootFileAtPath(sidre::DataView * view,
const std::string& file_name,
const std::string& group_path);
The above methods are used to write this extra data to the root file. The first simply writes data from the given group to the top of the root file, while the latter two methods write their Sidre objects to a path that must already exist in the root file.