Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
lumberjack Directory Reference


file  BinaryTreeCommunicator.hpp
 This file contains the class definition of the BinaryTreeCommunicator.
file  Combiner.hpp
 This file contains the abstract base class defining the interface of all Combiners.
file  Communicator.hpp
 This file contains the pure virtual base class definition of the Communicator.
file  Lumberjack.hpp
 This file contains the class definition of the Lumberjack class, which is the main class users will interact with.
file  Message.hpp
 This file contains the class definition of the Message.
file  MPIUtility.hpp
 This file contains the definitions of MPI utility functions.
file  RootCommunicator.hpp
 This file contains the class definition of the RootCommunicator.
file  TextEqualityCombiner.hpp
 This file contains the class implementation of the TextEqualityCombiner.
file  TextTagCombiner.hpp
 This file contains the class implementation of the TextTagCombiner.