Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
RangeSet.hpp File Reference

Basic API for an ordered set of entities in a simulation. More...


class  axom::slam::GenericRangeSet< P, E, OffsetPolicy, StridingPolicy, IndirectionPolicy, SubsettingPolicy, InterfacePolicy >
 Models a set whose elements belong to a contiguous range \( \in [lowerIndex,upperIndex) \). More...




template<typename P = slam::DefaultPositionType, typename E = slam::DefaultElementType>
using axom::slam::PositionSet = GenericRangeSet< P, E, policies::ZeroOffset< P > >
template<typename P = slam::DefaultPositionType, typename E = slam::DefaultElementType>
using axom::slam::RangeSet = GenericRangeSet< P, E >

Detailed Description

Basic API for an ordered set of entities in a simulation.