Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType > Class Template Reference

An implicit grid is an occupancy-based spatial index over an indexed set of objects in space. More...

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struct  QueryObject
 Device-copyable query object for running implicit grid queries on the GPU. More...

Public Types

using IndexType = TheIndexType
using GridCell = primal::Point< IndexType, NDIMS >
using SpacePoint = primal::Point< double, NDIMS >
using SpaceVec = primal::Vector< double, NDIMS >
using SpatialBoundingBox = primal::BoundingBox< double, NDIMS >
using LatticeType = RectangularLattice< NDIMS, double, IndexType >
using SizePolicy = slam::policies::RuntimeSize< IndexType >
using ElementSet = slam::OrderedSet< IndexType, IndexType, SizePolicy >
using BinSet = slam::OrderedSet< IndexType, IndexType, SizePolicy >
using BitsetType = slam::BitSet
using BinBitMap = slam::Map< BitsetType, slam::Set< IndexType, IndexType >, slam::policies::ArrayIndirection< IndexType, BitsetType >, slam::policies::StrideOne< IndexType > >

Public Member Functions

 ImplicitGrid ()
 Default constructor for an ImplicitGrid. More...
 ImplicitGrid (const SpatialBoundingBox &boundingBox, const GridCell *gridRes, int numElts, int allocatorID=axom::execution_space< ExecSpace >::allocatorID())
 Constructor for an implicit grid from a bounding box, a grid resolution a number of elements. More...
 ImplicitGrid (const double *bbMin, const double *bbMax, const int *gridRes, int numElts, int allocatorID=axom::execution_space< ExecSpace >::allocatorID())
 Constructor for an implicit grid from arrays of primitive types. More...
bool isInitialized () const
QueryObject getQueryObject () const
void initialize (const SpatialBoundingBox &boundingBox, const GridCell *gridRes, int numElts, int allocatorID=axom::execution_space< ExecSpace >::allocatorID())
 Initializes an implicit grid or resolution gridRes over an axis aligned domain covered by boundingBox. The implicit grid indexes a set with numElts elements. More...
const GridCellgridResolution () const
int numIndexElements () const
void insert (const SpatialBoundingBox &bbox, IndexType idx)
 Inserts an element with index idx and bounding box bbox into the implicit grid. More...
void insert (IndexType nelems, const SpatialBoundingBox *bboxes, IndexType startIdx=0)
 Inserts a set of elements represented by bounding boxes bboxes and beginning at index startIdx into the implicit grid. More...
BitsetType getCandidates (const SpacePoint &pt) const
BitsetType getCandidates (const GridCell &gridCell) const
BitsetType getCandidates (const SpatialBoundingBox &box) const
template<typename QueryGeom >
std::vector< IndexTypegetCandidatesAsArray (const QueryGeom &query) const
template<typename QueryGeom >
void getCandidatesAsArray (axom::IndexType qsize, const QueryGeom *queryObjs, axom::ArrayView< IndexType > outOffsets, axom::ArrayView< IndexType > outCounts, axom::Array< IndexType > &outCandidates) const
 Returns a list of candidates in the vicinity of a set of query objects. More...
void getCandidatesAsArray (axom::ArrayView< const SpacePoint > queryObjs, axom::ArrayView< IndexType > outOffsets, axom::ArrayView< IndexType > outCounts, axom::Array< IndexType > &outCandidates) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void getCandidatesAsArray (axom::ArrayView< const SpatialBoundingBox > queryObjs, axom::ArrayView< IndexType > outOffsets, axom::ArrayView< IndexType > outCounts, axom::Array< IndexType > &outCandidates) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
bool contains (const GridCell &gridCell, IndexType idx) const

Detailed Description

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
class axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >

An implicit grid is an occupancy-based spatial index over an indexed set of objects in space.

An ImplicitGrid divides a given rectilinear slab of space (defined by an axis aligned bounding box) into uniformly sized cells of a specified resolution. The GridCells of the ImplicitGrid index a subset of the items from an indexed set whose cardinality is specified during the ImplicitGrid's initialization. Users can insert items from the indexed set into an ImplicitGrid by providing the item's bounding box and index.

In contrast to a spin::UniformGrid, which encodes an array of indices for each cell in the underlying multidimensional grid, the ImplicitGrid encodes a single array of bins per dimension, each of which has a bitset over the index space. Thus, the storage overhead of an ImplicitGrid is fixed at initialization time to \( numElts * sum_i { res[i] } \) bits. Queries are implemented in terms of unions and intersections of bitsets.

One might prefer an ImplicitGrid over a UniformGrid when one expects a relatively dense index relative to the grid resolution (i.e. that there will be many items indexed per bucket). The ImplicitGrid is designed for quick indexing and searching over a static (and relatively small index space) in a relatively coarse grid.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ IndexType

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::IndexType = TheIndexType

◆ GridCell

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::GridCell = primal::Point<IndexType, NDIMS>

◆ SpacePoint

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::SpacePoint = primal::Point<double, NDIMS>

◆ SpaceVec

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::SpaceVec = primal::Vector<double, NDIMS>

◆ SpatialBoundingBox

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::SpatialBoundingBox = primal::BoundingBox<double, NDIMS>

◆ LatticeType

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::LatticeType = RectangularLattice<NDIMS, double, IndexType>

◆ SizePolicy

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::SizePolicy = slam::policies::RuntimeSize<IndexType>

◆ ElementSet

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::ElementSet = slam::OrderedSet<IndexType, IndexType, SizePolicy>

◆ BinSet

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::BinSet = slam::OrderedSet<IndexType, IndexType, SizePolicy>

◆ BitsetType

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::BitsetType = slam::BitSet

◆ BinBitMap

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
using axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::BinBitMap = slam::Map<BitsetType, slam::Set<IndexType, IndexType>, slam::policies::ArrayIndirection<IndexType, BitsetType>, slam::policies::StrideOne<IndexType> >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ImplicitGrid() [1/3]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::ImplicitGrid ( )

Default constructor for an ImplicitGrid.

Users must call initialize() to initialize the ImplicitGrid after constructing with the default constructor

◆ ImplicitGrid() [2/3]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::ImplicitGrid ( const SpatialBoundingBox boundingBox,
const GridCell gridRes,
int  numElts,
int  allocatorID = axom::execution_space<ExecSpace>::allocatorID() 

Constructor for an implicit grid from a bounding box, a grid resolution a number of elements.

[in]boundingBoxBounding box of domain to index
[in]gridResPointer to resolution for lattice covering bounding box
[in]numEltsThe number of elements to be indexed
gridRes is either NULL or has NDIMS coordinates
See also
initialize() for details on setting grid resolution when gridRes is NULL

References axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::initialize().

◆ ImplicitGrid() [3/3]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::ImplicitGrid ( const double *  bbMin,
const double *  bbMax,
const int *  gridRes,
int  numElts,
int  allocatorID = axom::execution_space<ExecSpace>::allocatorID() 

Constructor for an implicit grid from arrays of primitive types.

[in]bbMinLower bounds of mesh bounding box
[in]bbMaxUpper bounds of mesh bounding box
[in]gridResResolution for lattice covering mesh bounding box
[in]numEltsThe number of elements in the index space
bbMin and bbMax are not NULL and have NDIMS coordinates
gridRes is either NULL or has NDIMS coordinates
See also
initialize() for details on setting grid resolution when gridRes is NULL

References axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::initialize(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

Member Function Documentation

◆ isInitialized()

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
bool axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::isInitialized ( ) const

Predicate to check if the ImplicitGrid has been initialized

◆ getQueryObject()

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace , typename IndexType >
ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, IndexType >::QueryObject axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, IndexType >::getQueryObject

References SLIC_ASSERT.

◆ initialize()

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
void axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::initialize ( const SpatialBoundingBox boundingBox,
const GridCell gridRes,
int  numElts,
int  allocatorID = axom::execution_space<ExecSpace>::allocatorID() 

Initializes an implicit grid or resolution gridRes over an axis aligned domain covered by boundingBox. The implicit grid indexes a set with numElts elements.

[in]boundingBoxBounding box of domain to index
[in]gridResResolution for lattice covering bounding box
[in]numEltsThe number of elements to be indexed
The ImplicitGrid has not already been initialized
When gridRes is NULL, we use a heuristic to set the grid resolution to the N^th root of numElts. We also ensure that the resolution along any dimension is at least one.

References axom::primal::Point< T, NDIMS >::array(), axom::Array< T, DIM, SPACE >::fill(), axom::utilities::max(), axom::primal::Vector< T, NDIMS >::norm(), axom::primal::BoundingBox< T, NDIMS >::range(), axom::spin::rectangular_lattice_from_bounding_box(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

◆ gridResolution()

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
const GridCell& axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::gridResolution ( ) const

Accessor for ImplicitGrid's resolution

◆ numIndexElements()

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
int axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::numIndexElements ( ) const

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
void axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::insert ( const SpatialBoundingBox bbox,
IndexType  idx 

Inserts an element with index idx and bounding box bbox into the implicit grid.

[in]bboxThe bounding box of the element
[in]idxThe index of the element

References axom::execution_space< ExecSpace >::allocatorID(), and axom::Array< T, DIM, SPACE >::data().

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
void axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::insert ( IndexType  nelems,
const SpatialBoundingBox bboxes,
IndexType  startIdx = 0 

Inserts a set of elements represented by bounding boxes bboxes and beginning at index startIdx into the implicit grid.

[in]nelemsthe number of elements to insert
[in]bboxesan array of bounding boxes for each element
[in]startIdxthe index of the first bounding box in bboxes

References AXOM_LAMBDA, axom::Array< T, DIM, SPACE >::data(), axom::slam::Map< T, S, IndPol, StrPol, IfacePol >::data(), axom::primal::BoundingBox< T, NDIMS >::expand(), axom::primal::BoundingBox< T, NDIMS >::getMax(), axom::primal::BoundingBox< T, NDIMS >::getMin(), axom::spin::RectangularLattice< NDIMS, SpaceCoordType, CellCoordType >::gridCell(), axom::slam::Map< T, S, IndPol, StrPol, IfacePol >::set(), axom::slam::Set< PosType, ElemType >::size(), and SLIC_ASSERT.

◆ getCandidates() [1/3]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
BitsetType axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::getCandidates ( const SpacePoint pt) const

Finds the candidate elements in the vicinity of query point pt

[in]ptThe query point
A bitset bSet whose bits correspond to the elements of the IndexSet. The bits of bSet are set if their corresponding element bounding boxes overlap the grid cell containing pt.

References axom::utilities::clampUpper().

◆ getCandidates() [2/3]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
BitsetType axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::getCandidates ( const GridCell gridCell) const

Finds the candidate elements in the given gridCell of the grid

[in]gridCellThe cell of the grid
A bitset whose bits correspond to the elements of the IndexSet. The bits are set if their corresponding element bounding boxes overlap gridCell

◆ getCandidates() [3/3]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
BitsetType axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::getCandidates ( const SpatialBoundingBox box) const

Finds the candidate elements in the vicinity of query box box

[in]boxThe query box
A bitset bSet whose bits correspond to the elements of the IndexSet. The bits of bSet are set if their corresponding element bounding boxes overlap the grid cell containing box

References axom::primal::BoundingBox< T, NDIMS >::getMax(), and axom::primal::BoundingBox< T, NDIMS >::getMin().

◆ getCandidatesAsArray() [1/4]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
template<typename QueryGeom >
std::vector<IndexType> axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::getCandidatesAsArray ( const QueryGeom &  query) const

Returns an explicit list of candidates in the vicinity of a query object

Template Parameters
QueryGeomThe type of the query object (e.g. point or box)
[in]queryThe query object
A list of indexes from the IndexSet whose corresponding bounding boxes overlap the grid cell containing query
This function is implemented in terms of ImplicitGrid::getCandidates(const QueryGeom& ). An overload for the actual QueryGeom type (e.g. SpacePoint or SpatialBoundingBox) must exist.
This function returns the same information as getCandidates(), but in a different format. While the latter returns a bitset of the candidates, this function returns an explicit list of indices.
See also

References axom::slam::BitSet::count(), axom::slam::BitSet::find_first(), and axom::slam::BitSet::find_next().

◆ getCandidatesAsArray() [2/4]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace , typename IndexType >
template<typename QueryGeom >
void axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, IndexType >::getCandidatesAsArray ( axom::IndexType  qsize,
const QueryGeom *  queryObjs,
axom::ArrayView< IndexType outOffsets,
axom::ArrayView< IndexType outCounts,
axom::Array< IndexType > &  outCandidates 
) const

Returns a list of candidates in the vicinity of a set of query objects.

Template Parameters
QueryGeomThe type of the query object (e.g. point or box)
[in]qsizeThe number of objects to query against the implicit grid
[in]queryObjsThe array of query objects, of length qsize
[out]outOffsetsOffsets into the candidates array for each query object
[out]outCountsThe number of candidates for each query object
[out]outCandidatesThe candidate IDs for each query object
outOffsets and outCounts should point to arrays allocated in a memory space accessible from the given execution space, and be of length qsize.
Upon completion, the ith query point has:
  • counts[ i ] candidates
  • Stored in the candidates array in the following range: [ offsets[ i ], offsets[ i ]+counts[ i ] ]

References AXOM_LAMBDA, axom::ArrayView< T, DIM, SPACE >::data(), axom::Array< T, DIM, SPACE >::push_back(), axom::ArrayView< T, DIM, SPACE >::size(), SLIC_ERROR_IF, and axom::Array< T, DIM, SPACE >::view().

◆ getCandidatesAsArray() [3/4]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
void axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::getCandidatesAsArray ( axom::ArrayView< const SpacePoint queryObjs,
axom::ArrayView< IndexType outOffsets,
axom::ArrayView< IndexType outCounts,
axom::Array< IndexType > &  outCandidates 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

References axom::ArrayView< T, DIM, SPACE >::data(), and axom::ArrayView< T, DIM, SPACE >::size().

◆ getCandidatesAsArray() [4/4]

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
void axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::getCandidatesAsArray ( axom::ArrayView< const SpatialBoundingBox queryObjs,
axom::ArrayView< IndexType outOffsets,
axom::ArrayView< IndexType outCounts,
axom::Array< IndexType > &  outCandidates 
) const

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

References axom::ArrayView< T, DIM, SPACE >::data(), and axom::ArrayView< T, DIM, SPACE >::size().

◆ contains()

template<int NDIMS, typename ExecSpace = axom::SEQ_EXEC, typename TheIndexType = int>
bool axom::spin::ImplicitGrid< NDIMS, ExecSpace, TheIndexType >::contains ( const GridCell gridCell,
IndexType  idx 
) const

Tests whether grid cell gridPt indexes the element with index idx

[in]gridCellThe cell within the ImplicitGrid that we are testing
[in]idxAn element index from the IndexSet to test
idx should be in the IndexSet. I.e. 0 <= idx < numIndexElements()
True if the bounding box of element idx overlaps with GridCell gridCell.

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