Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >, including all inherited members.

build()axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
BVH()=deleteaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
BVH(const FloatType *boxes, IndexType numItems, int allocatorID=axom::execution_space< ExecSpace >::allocatorID())axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
findBoundingBoxes(IndexType *offsets, IndexType *counts, IndexType *&candidates, IndexType numBoxes, const FloatType *xmin, const FloatType *xmax, const FloatType *ymin, const FloatType *ymax, const FloatType *zmin=nullptr, const FloatType *zmax=nullptr) constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
findPoints(IndexType *offsets, IndexType *counts, IndexType *&candidates, IndexType numPts, const FloatType *x, const FloatType *y, const FloatType *z=nullptr) constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
findRays(IndexType *offsets, IndexType *counts, IndexType *&candidates, IndexType numRays, const FloatType *x0, const FloatType *nx, const FloatType *y0, const FloatType *ny, const FloatType *z0=nullptr, const FloatType *nz=nullptr) constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
getAllocatorID() constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >inline
getBounds(FloatType *min, FloatType *max) constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
getScaleFacor() constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >inline
getTolerance() constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >inline
setScaleFactor(FloatType scale_factor)axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >inline
setTolerance(FloatType TOL)axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >inline
writeVtkFile(const std::string &fileName) constaxom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >
~BVH()axom::spin::BVH< NDIMS, ExecSpace, FloatType >