Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
axom::Array< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for axom::Array< T >, including all inherited members.

append(const T &value)axom::Array< T >inline
append(const T *tuples, IndexType n)axom::Array< T >inline
Array(IndexType num_tuples, IndexType num_components=1, IndexType capacity=0)axom::Array< T >
Array(T *data, IndexType num_tuples, IndexType num_components=1, IndexType capacity=0)axom::Array< T >
Array()axom::Array< T >protected
Array(const Array &)=deleteaxom::Array< T >protected
Array(const Array &&)=deleteaxom::Array< T >protected
capacity() constaxom::Array< T >inline
DEFAULT_RESIZE_RATIOaxom::Array< T >static
dynamicRealloc(IndexType new_num_tuples)axom::Array< T >inlineprotectedvirtual
emplace(IndexType n, IndexType pos, const T &value=T())axom::Array< T >inline
empty() constaxom::Array< T >inline
fill(const T &value)axom::Array< T >inline
getData()axom::Array< T >inline
getData() constaxom::Array< T >inline
getResizeRatio() constaxom::Array< T >inline
inBounds(IndexType pos, IndexType component) constaxom::Array< T >inlineprotected
inBounds(IndexType idx) constaxom::Array< T >inlineprotected
initialize(IndexType num_tuples, IndexType num_components, IndexType capacity)axom::Array< T >inlineprotected
insert(const T &value, IndexType pos)axom::Array< T >inline
insert(const T *tuples, IndexType n, IndexType pos)axom::Array< T >inline
isExternal() constaxom::Array< T >inline
isInSidre() constaxom::Array< T >inlinevirtual
m_capacityaxom::Array< T >protected
m_dataaxom::Array< T >protected
m_is_externalaxom::Array< T >protected
m_num_componentsaxom::Array< T >protected
m_num_tuplesaxom::Array< T >protected
m_resize_ratioaxom::Array< T >protected
MIN_DEFAULT_CAPACITYaxom::Array< T >static
numComponents() constaxom::Array< T >inline
operator()(IndexType pos, IndexType component=0)axom::Array< T >inline
operator()(IndexType pos, IndexType component=0) constaxom::Array< T >inline
operator=(const Array &)=deleteaxom::Array< T >protected
operator=(const Array &&)=deleteaxom::Array< T >protected
operator[](IndexType idx)axom::Array< T >inline
operator[](IndexType idx) constaxom::Array< T >inline
reserve(IndexType capacity)axom::Array< T >inline
reserveForInsert(IndexType n, IndexType pos)axom::Array< T >inlineprotected
resize(IndexType new_num_tuples)axom::Array< T >inline
set(const T *tuples, IndexType n, IndexType pos)axom::Array< T >inline
setCapacity(IndexType new_capacity)axom::Array< T >inlineprotectedvirtual
setResizeRatio(double ratio)axom::Array< T >inline
shrink()axom::Array< T >inline
size() constaxom::Array< T >inline
updateNumTuples(IndexType new_num_tuples)axom::Array< T >inlineprotectedvirtual
~Array()axom::Array< T >virtual