Miscellaneous Development Items

This section describes various development tasks that need to be performed that are not covered in earlier sections.

Web Documentation

Describe how to build and install web documentation…

Shared LC web content location axom/src/docs/sphinx/web

Third-party Library Installation

Describe how to run the scripts to install third-party libraries for testing different versions locally on a branch and for installing new libraries for the team to use…

Building and installing TPLs for all compilers on the current LC platform you are on:

$ python ./scripts/llnl_scripts/build_tpls.py -d <output/path/>

Questions we need to answer include:

  • How does one add a new compiler or platform to the mix?
  • How does one build a new set of TPLs for a single platform or compiler for testing?
  • What is the procedure for changing versions of one or more TPLs?
  • How do we keep things straight when using different TPL versions for different branches?
  • How to use the scripts for team TPL support vs. local development and experimentation?
  • Others?


Pull in content from ../web/build_system/thirdparty_deps.rst … fill in gaps and make sure it it up-to-date…

Updating a TPL to a new version

Follow these steps to update Axom to use a new released version of one of the TPL libraries.

  1. Create a branch to work on the task.

  2. Update the packages.yaml files in scripts/spack/configs/. Find the entry for the library you wish to update and change the version number. Do this for the packages.yaml file of each system type, including those in the docker subdirectory.

  3. Update scripts/uberenv/packages/[package name]/package.py for the library you are changing. Usually this can be done by copying directly from var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/[package name]/package.py in the Spack distribution. Clone the repo at github.com/spack/spack to find this file and copy it. Verify that the new version you intend to use is included in this file in the list of version() entries.

  4. Do a test installation in your local directories

    $ scripts/llnl/build_tpl.py -d ../your/local/install/path

    This will do a full installation of the TPLs, which you can check to verify that the correct new version is installed. Also, it produces new host-config files that you should use to build and test Axom with this installation. These new host-config files will be located at the base of your local clone of the repository. If any changes to Axom code are needed to work with the new TPL update, make these changes and test them.

  5. When you are confident that everything is correct, log in as user atk to each of the machines named in Axom’s standard host-configs and run

    $ scripts/llnl/build_tpl.py

    This will do all of the standard installations in the shared directories used by Axom developers. When completed, they will produce new host-config files for each configuration. Give these files to your regular user account and log back in to that account. Copy these new host-config files to the host-configs subdirectory and commit them to your branch. Make sure all file changes from all previous steps are also committed and pushed upstream.

  6. Next, build the docker images for continuous integration using GitHub actions. From Axom’s GitHub page, click on “Actions” and then on “Docker TPL build” in the “Workflows” menu. Find the “Run Workflow” drop-down menu, select your branch, and click on the “Run workflow” button. This will launch the build of the docker images.

  7. When the docker image build completes, click on your build and find the “Artifacts” listed at the bottom of the page. These contain host-configs for building Axom on the docker images. Download them and copy them to Axom’s host-configs/docker subdirectory.

  8. To complete the setup of the new docker images, the Compiler_ImageName entries in azure-pipelines.yaml at the top-level directory must be updated with the timestamped names of the new images. The new names can be found in the log files from the successful GitHub action. On the left of the page for the successful action is a “Jobs” menu. Click on each job and then find the “Build and push” section of the log. Within the first few lines of the section there should be an entry of the form "tags: axom/tpls:clang-10_12-18-20_00h-10m. Copy the name beginning with axom/tpls to the appropriate locations in azure-pipelines.yaml. Repeat this with the names from each compiler job used in the GitHub action.

  9. Make sure all changes in your branch are committed and pushed, and create a pull request for a merge to develop.

Code Health Tools

This section describes how to run code health tools we use.

Code Coverage

Setting up and running code coverage analysis…

Static Analysis

Setting up and running static analysis tools….

Memory Checking

Setting up and running memory checking tools….