Miscellaneous Development Items

This section describes various development tasks that need to be performed that are not covered in earlier sections.

Web Documentation

Describe how to build and install web documentation…

Shared LC web content location axom/src/docs/sphinx/web

Third-party Library Installation

Describe how to run the scripts to install third-party libraries for testing different versions locally on a branch and for installing new libraries for the team to use…

Building and installing TPLs for all compilers on the current LC platform you are on:

$ python ./scripts/llnl_scripts/build_tpls.py -d <output/path/>

Questions we need to answer include:

  • How does one add a new compiler or platform to the mix?
  • How does one build a new set of TPLs with for a single platform or compiler for testing?
  • What is the procedure for changing versions of one or more TPLs?
  • How do we keep things straight when using different TPL versions for different branches?
  • How to use the scripts for team TPL support vs. local development experimentation?
  • Others?


Pull in content from ../web/build_system/thirdparty_deps.rst … fill in gaps and make sure it it up-to-date…

Code Health Tools

This section describes how to run code health tools we use.

Code Coverage

Setting up and running code coverage analysis…

Static Analysis

Setting up and running static analysis tools….

Memory Checking

Setting up and running memory checking tools….