Zero to Axom: Quick install of Axom and Third Party Dependencies

The quickest path to install Axom and its dependencies is via uberenv, a script included in Axom’s repo:

$ git clone --recursive ssh://
$ cd axom
$ python scripts/uberenv/ --install --prefix="build"

After this completes, build/axom-install will contain an Axom install.

Using Axom in Your Project

The install includes examples that demonstrate how to use Axom in a CMake-based and Makefile-based build systems.

CMake-based build system example



# create our example 
add_executable(example example.cpp)

# setup the axom include path
target_include_directories(example PRIVATE ${AXOM_INCLUDE_DIRS})

# link to axom targets
target_link_libraries(example axom)

See: examples/axom/using-with-cmake

Makefile-based build system example

LINK_FLAGS=-L$(AXOM_DIR)/lib/ -laxom

	$(CXX) $(INC_FLAGS) example.cpp $(LINK_FLAGS) -o example

See: examples/axom/using-with-make