Core concepts

Describe Slam concepts, what they mean, how they are used, etc.

Sets, relations and maps in slam

Fig. 4 A relation (blue lines) between two sets (ovals with red and green dots, as elements) and a map of scalar values (brown) on the second set.


  • Taxonomy of set types (OrderedSet, IndirectionSet, Subset, static vs. dynamic)
  • Simple API (including semantics of operator[] and iterators )
  • Example to show how we iterate through a set


  • Relational operator (from element of Set A to set of elements in Set B)
  • Taxonomy:
    • Cardinality: Fixed vs Variable number of elements per relation
    • Mutability: Static vs. Dynamic relation
    • Storage: Implicit vs. Explicit (e.g. product set)
  • Simple API (including semantics of operator[] )
  • Three ways to iterate through a relations
    • Double subscript
    • Separate subscripts
    • Iterators


  • Data associated with all members of a set
  • Simple API (including semantics of operator[] )