Axom Development Process Summary

This section provides a high-level overview of key Axom software development topics and includes links to more detailed discussion.

Software Development Cycles

The Axom team uses a sprint-based development process. We collect and track issues (bugs, feature requests, tasks, etc.) using JIRA and define a set of development tasks (i.e., issues) to complete for each sprint. While the team meets to discuss issues and plan which ones will be worked in each sprint, developers of individual Axom components may plan and schedule work in any way that works for them as long as this is coordinated with other team efforts. Work performed in each sprint work period is tracked as a single unified sprint encompassing activities for the entire project.

See JIRA: Issue Tracking and Release Cycles for more information about how we do issue tracking and release planning.

Software Releases and Version Numbers

Typically, Axom releases are done when it makes sense to make new features or other changes available to users. A release may coincide with the completion of a sprint cycle or it may not.

See Axom Release Process for a description of the Axom release process.

The Axom team follows the semantic versioning scheme for assigning release numbers. Semantic versioning conveys specific meaning about the code and modifications from version to version by the way version numbers are constructed.

See Semantic Versioning for a description of semantic versioning.

Branch Development

The Axom project has a CZ Bitbucket project space and the team follows the Gitflow branching model for software development and reviews. Gitflow is a common workflow centered around software releases. It makes clear which branches correspond to which phases of development and those phases are represented explicitly in the structure of the source code repository. As in other branching models, developers develop code locally and push their work to a central repository.

See Gitflow Branching Model for a detailed description of how we use Gitflow.

Code Reviews and Acceptance

Before any code is merged into one of our main Gitflow branches (i.e., develop or master), it must be adequately tested, documented, and reviewed for acceptance by other team members. The review process is initiated via a pull request on the Axom Bitbucket project.

See Pull Requests and Code Reviews for a description of our review process and how we use pull requests.

Testing and Code Health

Comprehensive software testing processes and use of code health tools (e.g., static analysis, memory checkers, code coverage) are essential ingredients in the Axom development process.

See Axom Tests and Examples for a description of our software testing process, including continuous integration.

Software Development Tools

In addition to the tools listed above, we use a variety of other tools to help manage and automate our software development processes. The tool philosophy adopted by the Axom project focuses on three central tenets:

  • Employ robust, commonly-used tools and don’t re-invent something that already exists.
  • Apply tools in ways that non-experts find easy to use.
  • Strive for automation and reproducibility.

The main interaction hub for Axom developers is the Atlassian tool suite on the Livermore Computing Collaboration Zone (CZ). These tools can be accessed through the MyLC Portal. Developer-level access to Axom project spaces in these tools requires membership in the LC group ‘axomdev’. If you are not in this group, and need to be, please send an email request to ‘’.

The main Atlassian tools we use are listed below. Please navigate the links provided for details about how we use them and helpful information about getting started with them.