Coding Guidelines

These guidelines define code style conventions for the Axom project. Most of the items were taken from the cited references, sometimes with modifications and simplifications; see References and Useful Resources.

The guidelines emphasize code readability, correctness, portability, and interoperability. Agreement on coding style and following common idioms and patterns provides many benefits to a project with multiple developers. A uniform “look and feel” makes it easier to read and understand source code, which increases team productivity and reduces confusion and coding errors when developers work with code they did not write. Also, guidelines facilitate code reviews by enforcing consistency and focusing developers on common concerns. Some of these guidelines are arbitrary, but all are based on practical experience and widely accepted sound practices. For brevity, most guidelines contain little detailed explanation or justification.

Each guideline is qualified by one of three auxiliary verbs: “must”, “should”, or “may” (or “must not”, “should not”, “may not”).

  • A “must” item is an absolute requirement.

  • A “should” item is a strong recommendation.

  • A “may” item is a potentially beneficial stylistic suggestion.

How to apply “should” and “may” items often depends on the particular code situation. It is best to use these in ways that enhance code readability and help reduce user and developer errors.


  • Variations in coding style for different Axom components is permitted. However, coding style within each Axom component must be consistent.

  • Deviations from these guidelines must be agreed upon by the Axom team.

  • When the team agrees to change the guidelines, this guide must be updated.
