Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.

Sina provides an easy way to collect data directly within codes and output them to a common file format. This is accomplished in an object oriented manner through the following classes:

  • Curve: represents a 1D curve
  • CurveSet: represents an entry in a record's "curve_set"
  • DataHolder: a basic container for certain types of information
  • Datum: tracks the value and (optionally) tags and/or units of a value associated with a Record
  • Document: represents the top-lvevl object of a JSON file conforming to the Sina schema
  • File: tracks the location (URI) and mimetype of a file on the file system, plus any tags
  • Record: entry in a Document's Record list
  • Relationship: represents correlations between records; consists of three parts: a subject, an object, and a predicate
  • Run: a subtype of Record corresponding to a single run of an application, as specified in the Sina schema