Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
axom::mir Namespace Reference




class  EquiZAlgorithm
 Implements Meredith's Equi-Z algorithm on the GPU using Blueprint inputs/outputs. More...
class  MeshTester
 A class used to generate MIRMeshs with specific properties so that the reconstruction output can be validated visually. More...
class  MIRAlgorithm
 Base class for Material Interface Reconstruction (MIR) algorithms. More...
class  MIROptions
 This class provides a kind of schema over the MIR options, as well as default values, and some utilities functions. More...
class  Options
 This class provides a kind of schema over options, as well as default values, and some utilities functions. More...


using MaterialID = int
using MaterialIDArray = axom::Array< MaterialID >
using MaterialIDView = axom::ArrayView< MaterialID >
using MaterialVF = float
using MaterialVFArray = axom::Array< MaterialVF >
using MaterialVFView = axom::ArrayView< MaterialVF >


constexpr static int NULL_MATERIAL = -1
constexpr static MaterialVF NULL_MATERIAL_VF = -1.f

Typedef Documentation

◆ MaterialID

using axom::mir::MaterialID = typedef int

◆ MaterialIDArray

◆ MaterialIDView

◆ MaterialVF

using axom::mir::MaterialVF = typedef float

◆ MaterialVFArray

◆ MaterialVFView

Variable Documentation


constexpr static int axom::mir::NULL_MATERIAL = -1


constexpr static MaterialVF axom::mir::NULL_MATERIAL_VF = -1.f