Component Structure¶
This section describes the structure of directories, files, and their contents for an Axom component. This section should be used as a guide to identify tasks to be done when adding a new software component to Axom. These include:
Creating the appropriate directory structure
Modifying and adding CMake files and variables
Generating C and Fortran interfaces
Writing documentation
Writing tests
The discussion here does not contain coding guidelines. Please see Axom Coding Guide for that information.
Component Directory Structure¶
In the axom/src/axom
directory, you will find a subdirectory for
each Axom component. For example:
$ cd axom/src/axom
$ ls -1
All files for each component are contained in subdirectories in the component directory.
To illustrate, consider the sidre component directory:
$ cd axom/src/axom/sidre
$ ls -1 -F
Note that, besides directories, the top-level component directory contains a few files:
contains CMake information for the component in the Axom build system.
Components are free to organize their header and source files in whatever manner makes sense. For example, in sidre, these core header and source files are in a subdirectory called core. As is common practice for C++ libraries, associated header and source files are co-located in the same directories.
The docs directory contains the component documentation. Subdirectories in the docs directory are named for each type of documentation. The directories doxygen and sphinx are required. Each Axom component uses Doxygen for source code documentation and Sphinx for user documentation. Other documentation directories can be used as needed. For example, sidre also contains documentation directories dot for dot-generated figures, and design for design documents.
The interface directory contains interface files for use by languages other than C++. To make it easy for applications written in C and Fortran, for example, to use Axom directly in their native languages, Axom components provide APIs in these languages. For information about how we generate these APIs, see C and Fortran Interfaces.
A test directory is required for each component which contains a comprehensive set of unit tests. See Tests and Examples for information about writing tests and inserting them into our testing framework.
An examples directory is optional, but recommended. It contains simple code examples illustrating component usage.
For consistency, these subdirectory names within the top-level component directory should be the same for each Axom component.
CMake Files and Variables¶
To properly configure and compile code for a component, and generate consistent make targets, existing CMake files and variables need to be modified in addition to adding CMake files for the new component. In this section, we describe the sort of changes and additions that are required. For additional details about our CMake and BLT usage, please look in files in existing Axom components.
Add CMake macro definitions¶
The top-level CMake directory axom/src/cmake
contains a file called
AxomConfig.cmake that defines macro constants for enabling
Axom components and setting third-party library (TPL) dependencies that
are used to enforce consistency for conditionally-compiled code. When a new
component or dependency is added, that file must be modified by:
Adding the name of the component to the COMPS variable
Adding new TPL dependency to the TPL_DEPS variable
The CMake variables are used to generate macro constants in the Axom
configuration header file. For each new CMake variable added, an associated
definition must be added to the
file in the
Modify top-level CMakeLists.txt file¶
When adding a new Axom component, the file axom/src/components/CMakeLists.txt
must be modified to hook the component into the CMake build configuration
system. Specifically:
Add option to enable component. For example,:
axom_add_component(COMPONENT_NAME sidre DEFAULT_STATE ${AXOM_ENABLE_ALL_COMPONENTS})Add component dependency target by adding component name to the
Add component CMakeLists.txt files¶
There are several CMakeLists.txt
files that must be added in various component
directories. We try to maintain consistent organization and usage across all
Axom components to avoid confusion. To illustrate, we describe the key
contents of the CMakeLists.txt files in the sidre Axom component. See those
files or those in other components for more details.
Top-level component directory¶
The top-level component directory contains a CMakeLists.txt
, e.g.,
, which contains the following items:
A CMake macro call that checks for any of the required components and/or third-party dependencies and errors out with a helpful message, e.g.,:
axom_component_requires(NAME Sidre COMPONENTS SLIC TPLS Conduit )Note
These dependencies should be limited to the requirements of this singular component. Do not list inherited dependencies unless they are used directly in this component. Instead ensure that the upstream component has the correct requirements listed.
Optional dependencies should not be listed here. Instead toggle their behaviors via CMake logic by adding defines, source files, and dependencies.
Subdirectories additions with guards as needed; e.g.,:
if (AXOM_ENABLE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(tests) endif()CMake exports of component targets; e.g.,:
install(EXPORT <component name>-targets DESTINATION lib/cmake)
Component src directory¶
The CMakeLists.txt
file in the component src
directory defines:
A variable for component header files named
<component name>_headers
A variable for component source files named
<component name>_sources
A variable for component dependencies named
<component name>_depends
For example, these variables for the sidre component are sidre_headers
, and sidre_depends
It is important to account for all conditional inclusion of items in these CMake variable names. For example, a C interface is generated to support a Fortran API, typically. So if Fortran is not enabled, it is usually not necessary to include the C header files in sidre_headers. Similarly, do not include items in the dependency variable if they are not found.
This file also adds source subdirectories as needed (using the CMake
command), adds the component as a Axom library, and
adds target definitions for dependencies. For example, the command to
add sidre as a library is:
axom_add_library( NAME
All components should follow this format to describe the library information.
Component docs directory¶
A component docs
directory contains a sphinx
that has the
hand-written user documentation that is built and hosted on the Axom’s
page. These are included by listing them in the Table of Contents
and in the Documentation section of src/index.rst
Component tests and examples¶
The content of component tests
and examples
directories, including as
CMake files are discussed in Tests and Examples.
Filename and CMake Target Conventions for Axom Documentation¶
The conventions in this section are intended to make it easy to generate a specific piece of documentation for a an Axom component manually. In Axom, we use ‘make’ targets to build documentation. Typing make help will list all available targets. When the following conventions are followed, all documentation targets for a component will be grouped together in this listing. Also, it should be clear from each target name what the target is for.
CMake targets for component user guides and source code docs (i.e., Doxygen) are:
<component name>_user_docs
<component name>_doxygen_docs
respectively. For example:
sidre_user_docs (sidre component user guide)
sidre_doxygen_docs (sidre Doxygen source code docs)
C and Fortran Interfaces¶
Typically, we use the Shroud tool to generate C and Fortran APIs from our C++
interface code. Shroud is a python script that generate code
from a yaml file that describes C++ types and their interfaces. It was
developed for the Axom project and has since been generalized and is supported
as a standalone project.
To illustrate what is needed to generate multi-language API code via a make
target in the Axom build system, we describe the contents of the sidre
Axom component interface directory axom/src/components/sidre/src/interface
that must be added:
A yaml file, named
, which contains an annotated description of C++ types and their interfaces in sidre C++ files. This file and its contents are generated manually.Header files, such as
, that can be included in C files. Such a file includes files containing Shroud-generated ‘extern C’ prototypes.Directories to hold the generated files for different languages; e.g.,
for C and Fortran APIs,python
for python API, etc.‘Splicer’ files containing code snippets that get inserted in the generated files.
files that contains information for generating CMake targets for Shroud to generate the desired interface code. For example:add_shroud( YAML_INPUT_FILE sidre_shroud.yaml YAML_OUTPUT_DIR yaml C_FORTRAN_OUTPUT_DIR c_fortran PYTHON_OUTPUT_DIR python DEPENDS_SOURCE c_fortran/csidresplicer.c c_fortran/fsidresplicer.f python/pysidresplicer.c DEPENDS_BINARY genfsidresplicer.f )This tells shroud which yaml file to generate code files from, which directories to put generated files in, which splicer files to use, etc.
The end result of properly setting up these pieces is a make target called
that can be invoked to generate sidre API code
in other languages Axom supports.
Complete documentation for an Axom component consists of several parts described in the following sections. All user documentation is accessible on Axom Read The Docs page.
User Documentation¶
Each Axom component uses Sphinx for user documentation. This documentation
is generated by invoking appropriate make targets in our build system.
For example, make sidre_docs
builds html files from Sphinx user
documentation for the sidre component.
The main goal of good user documentation is to introduce the software to users so that they can quickly understand what it does and how to use it. A user guide for an Axom component should enable a new user to get a reasonable sense of the capabilities the component provides and what the API looks like in under 30 minutes. Beyond introductory material, the user guide should also help users understand all major features and ways the software may be used. Here is a list of tips to help you write good documentation:
Try to limit documentation length and complexity. Using figures, diagrams, tables, bulleted lists, etc. can help impart useful information more quickly than text alone.
Use examples. Good examples can help users grasp concepts quickly and learn to tackle problems easily.
Place yourself in the shoes of targeted users. Detailed instructions may be best for some users, but may be onerous for others who can quickly figure things out on their own. Consider providing step-by-step instructions for completeness in an appendix, separate chapter, via hyperlink, etc. to avoid clutter in sections where you are trying to get the main ideas across.
Try to anticipate user difficulties. When possible, describe workarounds, caveats, and places where software is immature to help users set expectations and assumptions about the quality and state of your software.
Test your documentation. Follow your own instructions completely. If something is unclear or missing, fix your documentation. Working with a co-worker who is new to your work, or less informed about it, is also a good way to get feedback and improve your documentation.
Make documentation interesting to read. While you are not writing a scintillating novel, you want to engage users with your documentation enough so that they don’t fall asleep reading it.
Quickly incorporate feedback. When a user provides some useful feedback on your documentation, it shows they care enough to help you improve it to benefit others. Incorporate their suggestions in a timely fashion and ask them if you’ve addressed their concerns. Hopefully, this will encourage them to continue to help.
Speaking of good user documentation, the reStructuredText Primer provides enough information to quickly learn enough to start using the markdown language for generating sphinx documentation.
Code Documentation¶
Each Axom component uses Doxygen for code documentation. This documentation is generated by invoking appropriate make targets in our build system. For example, make sidre_doxygen builds html files from Doxygen code documentation for the sidre component.
The main goal of code documentation is to provide an easily navigable reference document of your software interfaces and implementations for users who need to understand details of your code.
We have a useful discussion of our Doxygen usage conventions in the Documentation Section of the Axom Coding Guide. The Doxygen Manual contains a lot more details.
Axom’s code documentation is published along with our user documentation.