Axom provides a robust, flexible software infrastructure for the development of multi-physics applications and computational tools.
axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false > Member List

This is the complete list of members for axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >, including all inherited members.

DefaultCtorTag typedefaxom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >
destroy(T *array, IndexType begin, IndexType nelems)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
emplace(T *array, IndexType i, Args &&... args)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
fill(T *array, IndexType begin, IndexType nelems, const T &value)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
fill_range(T *array, IndexType begin, IndexType nelems, const T *values, MemorySpace space)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
init(T *data, IndexType begin, IndexType nelems)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
init_impl(T *data, IndexType begin, IndexType nelems, std::true_type)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
init_impl(T *, IndexType, IndexType, std::false_type)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
move(T *array, IndexType src_begin, IndexType src_end, IndexType dst)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic
realloc_move(T *array, IndexType nelems, T *values)axom::detail::ArrayOpsBase< T, false >inlinestatic